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    25 April 2018, Volume 5 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Editorial Board of Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology
    2018, 5 (2):  79-79. 
    Abstract ( 149 )   PDF (345KB) ( 81 )  
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    Study on Application of Subsea Production System to Marginal Offshore Gas Field Development
    JIANG Ying, WANG Chang-tao, ZHANG Fei
    2018, 5 (2):  80-85.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.01
    Abstract ( 442 )   PDF (3339KB) ( 296 )  
    Subsea production system has a broad application prospect in marginal offshore gas field development since its advantages in economy and efficiency, as well as its flexible development modes. Subsea production system and its common modes are introduced based on the summary of common development methods and their restrictions for marginal gas field development. The applicability of subsea production system in marginal gas field development is discussed. And a case study of development mode comparison and selection is conducted for marginal gas field development via subsea production system.
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    Layout Design of Subsea Production System Drill Center
    WANG Hui-feng, ZHANG Fei, XIONG Jing-chang, LI Gang, LI Li-na
    2018, 5 (2):  86-90.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.02
    Abstract ( 685 )   PDF (3556KB) ( 271 )  
    The drill center of subsea production system refers to the subsea wellhead and the surrounding access facilities. The layout design of drill center is an important part of the engineering of subsea production system. It mainly includes subsea wellhead and manifold layout, subsea pipeline approaching layout, flying lead layout, etc. We introduce the principle and design considerations of subsea production system drill center layout. Especially, for a South China Sea gas field, the drill center layout design considerations and design methods are illustrated, embodying the system design rationality.
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    General Layout for Subsea Production System Tied Back to Cylinder Shaped FPSO Host Facility
    HOU Li, LI Li-na, ZHANG Fei
    2018, 5 (2):  91-94.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.03
    Abstract ( 454 )   PDF (3278KB) ( 184 )  
    Based on an oil development project in the South China Sea, the considerations of general layout for subsea production system (SPS) tied back to a cylinder shaped floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) are summarized. Focus is put on the wellhead layout for the subsea production system which is just below the cylinder shaped FPSO, the hang mode of the production riser, umbilical and subsea power cable connected to the cylinder shaped FPSO, as well as the corresponding position arrangement. This research can provide reference for the general layout of similar subsea production systems in the future.
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    Numerical Simulation on Wet Insulation of Subsea Manifold Based on Flow Assurance
    LIU Fei-long, JU Peng-peng, NI Hao
    2018, 5 (2):  95-99.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.04
    Abstract ( 352 )   PDF (3351KB) ( 77 )  
    With the development of deep water oil and gas fields, subsea production system (SPS) has played an important role. Subsea process facility is in cold seawater environment. When the SPS is shut down, the oil in subsea manifold is prone to wax or solidify due to the cooling effect of the seawater. The method of wet insulation is adopted to achieve flow assurance of subsea manifold. During the cooldown time, the temperature of fluid shall be higher than the wax precipitation point and condensation point. Thermal analysis of subsea manifold is carried out for both steady state case and transient state case using OLGA software, and the thickness of wet insulating layer is figured out for the subsea manifold.
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    Analysis and Application of Subsea Long Distance Power Line Communication
    SU Feng, LI Bin, YANG Hong-qing, FAN Yu-yang
    2018, 5 (2):  100-107.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.05
    Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (5843KB) ( 322 )  
    Subsea long distance power line communication is the most widely used and the most economical way of communication in deepwater oil and gas development. Deep understanding and reasonable application of the transmission technology is important to ensure the quality of long distance operating and monitoring system of subsea control system. Based on the basic configuration of subsea control system, we analyze the mechanism of long distance power line communication and the influencing factors of communication attenuation. Combined with a subsea gas field project in the South China Sea, the calculation of communication loop maximum attenuation value, the communication effectiveness analysis and the calculation of umbilical key electrical parameters requirement are carried out. This study provides an effective method for the communication design of subsea control system, which lays a solid foundation for the design optimization and equipment selection of communication system of ocean engineering projects.
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    Investigation of All-Electric Subsea Control System
    FAN Yu-yang
    2018, 5 (2):  108-112.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.06
    Abstract ( 339 )   PDF (3015KB) ( 261 )  
    For the control of subsea production system (SPS), the technical characteristics of the all-electric subsea control system are discussed and analyzed from different aspects such as the system structure, communication and power supply approach, valve structure, functional adaptability, etc. In combination with the engineering experience, the advantages and disadvantages of all-electric control system and the widely used multiplex electro-hydraulics control system are compared. This research will provide reference for the research and development of all-electric subsea control system in China.
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    Simulation and Analysis of Low-Pressure Charging and Gate Valve Operation of Deepwater Subsea Hydraulic System Based on SimulationX
    ZHANG Peng-fei
    2018, 5 (2):  113-120.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.07
    Abstract ( 241 )   PDF (3852KB) ( 205 )  
    For a gas field project in the South China Sea, simulation and analysis are carried out for the low-pressure charging of the subsea hydraulic system through the comparison of charging time for umbilicals with different sizes, so as to determine the appropriate umbilical size. At the same time, selecting different sizes for the accumulator of the subsea control module (SCM), simulating the opening and closing processes of the 5-1/8 inch gate valve of Christmas tree, we can get the operation duration, the pressure differential of SCM, and the pressure change of gate valve actuator. Comparing the simulation results with the design standard, one can get useful guide for the selection of umbilical size and accumulator capacity, and even helpful information for ensuring the safety and reliability of the subsea hydraulic system in actual operations.
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    Research on Subsea Production Equipment Testing Technology
    LIU Pei-lin, JU Peng-peng, SU Feng, JIANG Ying
    2018, 5 (2):  121-124.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.08
    Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (2828KB) ( 312 )  
    With the development of deepwater oil and gas fields, subsea production system is playing a more and more important role. With the limit of water depth and transport distance, subsea production system is operated by automatic control system with umbilical. Various tests are needed during manufacturing, transportation, installation and pre-commissioning in order to keep the reliability of control system. Based on some subsea production projects in the South China Sea, brief introduction is given for the unit test, factory acceptance test (FAT), interface test, integration test and pre-commissioning of the subsea equipment including Christmas tree and subsea manifold. This research could offer reference for other similar projects.
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    Influence of Soil Liquefaction and Strength Degradation to Subsea Production System Foundation Under Seismically Induced Cyclic Shear Stress
    YIN Han-jun, GU Yong-wei
    2018, 5 (2):  125-128.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.09
    Abstract ( 425 )   PDF (2167KB) ( 315 )  
    With the subsea production system applied more and more widely in China deepwater oil and gas fields, various kinds of extreme conditions are analyzed and applied in the subsea design. Subsea production system design in China is still in the initial stage. When seismic influence is analyzed and designed, equivalent loads are imposed merely for calculating the bearing capacity and safety, which cannot analyze the impact of seismic load to soil foundation. Aiming at this problem, the soil liquefaction and the settlement induced by strength degradation under seismically induced cyclic shear stress are analyzed. From the calculation result of a subsea project, it can be seen that analysis on soil liquefaction and strength degradation has important significance.
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    Installation Analysis of S-Lay Pipeline End Termination
    XING Guang-kuo, WANG Chang-tao, WANG Feng-yun, ZHANG Mei-rong, ZHANG Peng-fei
    2018, 5 (2):  129-132.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.10
    Abstract ( 529 )   PDF (5179KB) ( 244 )  
    The pipeline end termination (PLET) laid by S-lay will bear tensile stress from the pipeline and bending stress caused by bending deformation, when it gets through the stinger. Using the finite element analysis software ANSYS, we establish the finite element model of PLET passing through the stinger and carry out calculations and analyses for different positions of the stinger. It is found that the maximum strain appears near the location of the connection between PLET and pipeline. This will provide basis for the capability analysis of S-lay PLET passing through the stinger.
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    Summary for Corrosion Control Design of Deepwater Subsea Production Facilities
    QIAN Si-cheng
    2018, 5 (2):  133-137.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.11
    Abstract ( 308 )   PDF (3279KB) ( 148 )  
    In comparison with the shallow water environment, the temperature of deep water is much lower, and the dissolved oxygen content, salinity, flow velocity, etc., are rather different. The subsea production facilities are much more complex due to the hinge/locking mechanism, actuator, guide mechanism, piping and valve, etc. Meanwhile, they are difficult to maintain and expensive. The corrosion control design of deepwater subsea production facilities is different from those of shallow water facilities and jackets. We summarize the main design factors and parameters of deepwater corrosion control based on international standards, literatures and subsea production facility characteristics. The results can be used as a reference for deepwater corrosion control design.
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    Study on Key Techniques of Deepwater Subsea Manifold Design
    SHI Lei, JIANG Ying, JU Xuan-ze, GU Yong-wei, FANG Wei
    2018, 5 (2):  138-142.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.12
    Abstract ( 446 )   PDF (5568KB) ( 220 )  
    Based on the application characteristics of subsea manifold, relying on a demonstration project in the South China Sea, the key technologies of 500-m deepwater subsea manifold design are studied and analyzed. The design method and content of deepwater subsea manifold are also introduced. The research results are of significance for the study of common technology in the design of deepwater subsea manifold and subsea production facilities.
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    Challenge and Solution of Subsea Umbilical Termination Unit Design in Wenchang 10-3 Project
    ZHONG Wen-jun, FANG Wei, GU Yong-wei
    2018, 5 (2):  143-148.  DOI: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2018.02.13
    Abstract ( 665 )   PDF (3894KB) ( 281 )  
    Based on the design experience of subsea umbilical termination unit (SUTU) in Wenchang 10-3 project, the challenges and relevant technologies, which focus on the system integration design and characteristics of supply equipment, are analyzed and summarized. The SUTU system design was completely controlled by foreign supplier before. The design mode adopted in Wenchang 10-3 project will improve our independent research and development capacities, reinforce the localization of technical reserves, and provide a good basis for the future deepwater oil and gas development.
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    Contents of Vol.5, No.2, 2018
    OEET Editorial Office
    2018, 5 (2):  2001-2002. 
    Abstract ( 169 )   PDF (739KB) ( 59 )  
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