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    25 August 2016, Volume 3 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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     Summary about Piping Design of Marine System for TLP
    DU Guo-qiang, ZHANG Tao, CHEN Jing
    2016, 3 (4):  207-211. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (4163KB) ( 75 )  
    As one of the main oil and gas platforms in deep water, tension leg platform (TLP) has been widely applied in recent years. Marine system is very important for the stability of TLP by adjusting the tension. Based on the design standards and Liuhua TLP FEED project design work, we review the piping design principles, and basis, layout requirements of marine system for TLP, and introduce the hull piping design practice for ballast/deballast, bilge/stripping, vent/sounding system, etc. This research can provide some reference for TLP hull piping system design.
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     Technology of Side Track Adjustment Well with Low Cost in Bohai
    HE Peng-fei
    2016, 3 (4):  212-216. 
    Abstract ( 221 )   PDF (4814KB) ( 85 )  
    International crude oil prices continued to decline in 2015, approaching MYM30.0 per barrel. This seriously impacts the domestic oil and gas development upstream industry. Offshore oil and gas development known for high cost, high risk, low oil prices in the doldrums makes a great challenge to Bohai drilling and completion, especially for small projects with scattered adjustment wells. On the basis of studying the difficulties and analyzing the cost, through the side drilling and using of domestic rotary steering and longing tools, Bohai oil field has achieved the horizontal well. The overall cost is reduced by 14.7%, and the production reaches 2.2 times the proration before drilling. The effect is significant.
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     Application of Wet Recovery Technology in the Process of Subsea Pipeline Repairing
    YANG Lian-feng, ZHANG Xiao-jian
    2016, 3 (4):  217-221. 
    Abstract ( 352 )   PDF (5395KB) ( 110 )  
    Subsea pipeline damage occurs occasionally in the past few years. A safe and effective subsea pipeline repair program is the key to minimize the loss from pipeline damage. Taking a certain South China Sea subsea pipeline repair project as an example, the application of wet recovery technology and the whole subsea pipeline repair process are detailedly presented. Combined with the practical repair process, we put forward considerations and suggestions in subsea pipeline wet recovery process, which will provide some experience and reference for formulating subsea pipeline repair program in related subsea pipeline repair projects afterwards.
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    Application of Fishing Technology to Shear Ram Cutting Fish
    HOU Guan-zhong, HE Peng-fei, ZHU Zheng-bo, LIU Guo-zhen
    2016, 3 (4):  222-226. 
    Abstract ( 216 )   PDF (4177KB) ( 54 )  
    Well kick occurred in the process of raising pipe string after perforating operation. As the spray potential was large, it was unable to pick the top drive, the operating staff promptly closed shear ram blowout preventer (BOP) to cut the pipe and shut the well. However, fish occurred at the same time. After the implementation by lubrication killing method, the fish was fished successfully. This article describes the font printing, mill shoe milling, bowl slip socket fishing operation process, which can provide certain reference for the fishing of fish caused by shear ram BOP cutting.
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    Fatigue Analysis of Connection Between Column and Pontoon of Semi-Submersible Units
    WANG Hong-qing, LI De-jiang, FU Qiang, LI Lei, ZHANG Guo-dong, DU Zhi-fu
    2016, 3 (4):  227-235. 
    Abstract ( 282 )   PDF (8470KB) ( 69 )  
    Fatigue strength of connections between column and pontoon directly influences the reliability of the whole semi-submersible structure. Due to the frequently occurring fatigue failure of existing semi-submersible units, we carry out fatigue analysis based on simplified method for four type connections which have been used in present design. The connections fatigue life is modified by considering the mean stress accounted for the Goodman curve and Gerber curve. Then we compare the results to find out the optimized connection type. At last, the influence of the fatigue life on the reliability of the whole semi-submersible units is analyzed based on the data obtained from the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) rules.
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    Spudcan Strength Analysis of Self-Elevating Drilling Unit
    GUAN Guo-wei, YANG Yi-pu, ZHANG Yin-zhou, LIN Chun-hui, SUN Jiu-zhi
    2016, 3 (4):  236-242. 
    Abstract ( 286 )   PDF (7935KB) ( 45 )  
    Spudcan structure is the most important part of jack-up unit, and its reasonable design and structural strength are the key points to the unit’s performance and safety. Taking a spudcan structure strength analysis of BHCP400 self-elevating drilling unit as example, through the analysis of seven kinds of conditions including preload, storm survival load and eccentric load, we establish a spudcan structural model. The finte element analysis results show that the maximum von Mises stress for all load cases is at the radial bulkhead at leg chord, the bottom plate, the supporting plate of chord, and the brackets connecting chords and spudcan. For these places, large thickness and high strength steels should be used, and the requirements of welding quality and precision should be met. In addition, we should pay attention to the eccentric load case for which the spudcan stress reaches its maximum.
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    Interference Sensitivity Research of Top Tensioned Riser Based on Static and Dynamic Analysis
    YANG Wei, SUN Guo-min, YANG Hu, LI Xu, WANG Bo
    2016, 3 (4):  243-250. 
    Abstract ( 231 )   PDF (5883KB) ( 60 )  
    As the top tensioned risers (TTRs) are intensively arranged in the wellhead zone in the platform, the interference analysis between TTRs is one of the most important engineering design parts. Interference sensitivity analysis is carried out based on the TTRs in a tension leg platform (TLP), and the interference results with different top tensions, riser spaces, TLP offsets and TLP movements are compared. The analysis results show that the top tension and TLP offset have the major impact on the interference analysis, and the quasi-static interference analysis can reflect the interference phenomenon, the dynamic analysis is not necessary in the early design stage, which can reduce the engineering design works.
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    Electric Design Review of Ten Thousand Meter Scale Scientific Investigation Mother Ship “ZHANGJIAN”
    WEN Yong
    2016, 3 (4):  251-256. 
    Abstract ( 145 )   PDF (5636KB) ( 64 )  
    The electric design of the ten thousand meter scale scientific investigation mother ship “ZHANGJIAN” independently designed by Hansail, is briefly introduced. The key technical points solved during design, such as power supply device, power distribution device, dynamic positioning system and main cable routing, etc., are described detailedly.
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    Introduction to the Check System for Supports and Hangers Based on PDMS
    ZHENG Kai
    2016, 3 (4):  257-260. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (3504KB) ( 77 )  
    Plant Design Management System (PDMS) is a threedimensional (3D) design software of AVEVA from UK. The self improvement of the user is an important aspect for the development of PDMS. An embedded aided design software for checking supports and hangers is developed based on PDMS platform. The programmed load computation software for supports and hangers can be used to automatically check the load and output the optimal form of supports and hangers. In this way, the safety of supports and hangers design is improved, the construction cost is reduced, and the economic performance is enhanced.
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    Development and Application of Energy Management System in Painting Workshop
    LI Qing, ZHUANG Guo-quan, YANG Yong-gang, GONG Yong-chun, YUAN Hai-tian
    2016, 3 (4):  261-268. 
    Abstract ( 213 )   PDF (4435KB) ( 75 )  
    By combing the follow-up study on the energy management system for painting workshop fine equipment and the needs of information management, we develop the energy management system through statistical modelling, correlation information integration, and data analysis. The purpose of this research is to help to achieve management refinement of energy, reduce the production cost, and improve the management. The results show that the energy management system development and practical application not only improve the energy management and efficiency, but also reduce the cost of production. It provides a practical energy management model with systematization, digitization, and informatization.
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