当代外语研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (05): 16-22.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2018.05.003

• 新时代外语教育与教学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 复旦大学,上海,200433
  • 发布日期:2020-07-25
  • 作者简介:廖静,博士,复旦大学外文学院讲师。主要研究方向为阿拉伯语教育、阿拉伯语言学。电子邮箱:liaojing@fudan.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:
    *本文受国家语委“十三五”科研规划“‘一带一路’背景下阿拉伯国家高校语言教育政策的新发展研究”(编号YB 135—104)的资助。

The Crisis of Modern Standard Arabic Language: Status Quo, Analysis and Its Implications for the Promotion of the Chinese Language

LIAO Jing   

  • Published:2020-07-25

摘要: 随着文化全球化的逐步深入和扩大,受殖民历史、持续战乱、互联网冲击和缺乏统一管理机构的制约,当代阿拉伯国家标准阿拉伯语面临来自方言和外来语的强烈冲击,由此呈现出多语并存、土语盛行的特点,同时也带来阿拉伯民族认同危机和新旧之争的改革危机。对此,阿拉伯有识之士建议在政治上为标准阿拉伯语的重新活跃提供政策和平台,在教育上为提高青少年标准阿拉伯语水平保驾护航,同时他们还在思想上为解决标准阿拉伯语危机建言献策,提出在基础教育阶段增加标准阿拉伯语课时量等16条对策。通过对标准阿拉伯语危机现象的分析,本文对促进汉语的国际传播提出了三点建议:一是适应阿拉伯伊斯兰文化,融入阿拉伯本土语境;二是促进汉语在阿拉伯地区国际学术交流领域的传播;三是发展以多媒体为载体的汉语在线教育。

关键词: 阿拉伯国家, 标准阿拉伯语危机, 汉语国际传播

Abstract: With the deepening and expansion of globalization, due to the constraints from the history of colony, the continuing of wars, the spread of internet, and the lack of a unified regulatory agency, the Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) Language is facing an ongoing crisis of language loss by the influence of various local dialects and foreign languages. Therefore, the crisis of current MSA Language is characterized by multilingual coexistence and prevalence of local dialects. The issue also leads to the crisis of Arab national identity as well as the conflicts of reform between the New and the Old classes. In this regard, some Arab elites proposed various solutions, including proposing initiatives for the reactivation of MSA politically; facilitating the Arab teenagers to improve the MSA language capabilities through formal education; providing 16 ideological measures. By analyzing the MSA crisis, this paper provides three suggestions on the promotion of the Chinese language: adapting to Arab Islamic culture and integrating into the Arab context; promoting Chinese in the Arab international academic communication; developing online Chinese courses by multimedia applications.
