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    25 February 2024, Volume 23 Issue 01 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Expert forum
    Current status, screening and diagnostic strategies for hepatitis C virus infection in the context of “elimination”
    HUANG Rui, RAO Huiying
    2024, 23 (01):  1-8.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.001
    Abstract ( 127 )   HTML ( 27 )   PDF (923KB) ( 155 )  

    Global prevalence of HCV infection was 0.9% in 2015. With the comprehensive rollout of viral hepatitis elimination efforts, the global prevalence of HCV infection has been reduced to 0.7% by 2020. However, there are still approximately 58 million people living with HCV globally and 15 million newly-diagnosed infections annually ,with 300 000 deaths per year. In 2019, the number of reported newly-diagnosed HCV cases in China reached 625 000, with an age-adjusted incidence rate of 55(47.5-63.2) per million. An epidemiological survey of serum samples in China in 2006 showed that the prevalence of HCV infection in the country was about 0.43%. Data in 2016 indicated that there were 45 300 HCV-related deaths in China, which was the region with highest mortality risk globally. In 2022, WHO proposed new outcome indicators for HCV elimination, including the number of newly-diagnosed HCV patients <350 000 cases per year, incidence of HCV <2/100 000 per year in total population,and incidence for people who inject drugs(PWID) <2/100 person-years. The distribution of HCV genotypes in China also presents certain particularities. Genotype 1b is predominant, accounting for about 62.7%, followed by genotype 2a (17.4%).There is a high prevalence of genotype 3 (5%) in the southwestern region. In recent years, the proportion of genotype 3b has shown a downward trend in the northern regions of China, but an upward trend in other areas. The distribution and evolution of genotypes and subtypes in China have increased the difficulty of eliminating hepatitis C in the country. The WHO recommends screening in high-risk populiation (PWID and prisoners, etc.) and adjusting screening patterns for high-risk groups based on medical records, as well as the government organizing large-scale screen in areas with high prevalence (anti-HCV sero-prevalence ≥ 2% or ≥ 5%). The reinfection rate among people with ongoing risk of HCV infection ,PWID,MSM and prisoners is about 4.13/100 person-years, 2.84/100 person-years, 7.37/person-years, and 7.23/100 person-years ,respectively. Therefore, the WHO suggests repeating HCV testing in people with ongoing risk of HCV infection after HCV cure. Both the 2022 WHO HCV guidelines and the 2022 WHO document on simplified medical services and diagnostic processes for HCV recommend simplifying the HCV diagnostic pathway. The burden of HCV disease in China is heavy, and there still is a certain gap between the current status of HCV infection and treatment and the goal of achieving the goal of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030.

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    Current status, challenges and future directions for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in China
    JIANG Shaowen, ZHOU Huijuan, XIE Qing
    2024, 23 (01):  9-15.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.002
    Abstract ( 279 )   HTML ( 16 )   PDF (878KB) ( 146 )  

    In 2020, primary liver cancer ranked as the sixth most common malignancy worldwide, with 905 700 newly-diagnosed cases, and 830 000 deaths with an overall mortality rate of 8.7/100 000, ranking third in in malignant tumors. In Asia, there were 657 000 newly-diagnosed cases and 609 000 deaths, accounting for 72.5% and 73.3% of the global burden, respectively. In China, primary liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors, with 410 000 new cases, and 391000 deaths with a mortality rate of 17.2/100 000, ranking the second highest among the causes of cancer deaths. Approximately half of annual global newly-diagnosed cases and deaths of liver cancer occurred in China, leading to an extremely heavy disease burden. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for 75%-85% of primary liver cancer. The 5-year survival rate of HCC patients is merely 14.1% in China, mainly due to advanced disease stage at the diagnosis in most HCC patients. The low rate of diagnosis of early-stage HCC is one of the most important reasons for the poor treatment outcome of HCC patients. The key to improving the diagnosis of early-stage HCC lies on the effective HCC surveillance. The current surveillance method of “abdominal ultrasound + alpha-fetoprotein” is far from meeting the clinical needs in detecting early-stage HCC, which is faced with many problems, including low implementation rates of HCC screening, poor sensitivity for early-stage HCC, and new challenges posed by profound changes in the underlying etiologies of hepatocellular carcinoma in the past decade. In order to optimize the efficacy of HCC surveillance and improve the prognosis of HCC patients, we must adopt effective strategies, raise the implementation rate of HCC surveillance from the perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals, develope new HCC surveillance tools of higher accuracy and with more convenience, [GALAD(gender, age, AFP-L3, DCP, AFP) score and liquid biopsy]; advocating “individualized” surveillance strategies, stratified enrichment and precise screening to maximize the cost-effectiveness of healthcare resources. As one innovative model for individualized HCC surveillance, “artificial intelligence” in closed-loop precise liver disease management may serve as a strategic choice for disease management in China.

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    Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis E
    LU Jie, XIE Qing
    2024, 23 (01):  16-22.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.003
    Abstract ( 133 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (921KB) ( 49 )  

    According to the World Health Organization, hepatitis E virus (HEV) may cause approximately 20 million new infections annually in the world, and potentially lead to more than 3 million cases of acute hepatitis. Prevalence of viral hepatitis E is high in China, and the number of newly-diagnosed hepatitis E cases has exceeded that of newly-diagnosed hepatitis A cases. The reported incidence rate of hepatitis E increased from 1.77/100 000 in 2010 to 2.02/100 000 in 2019. HEV infections in China are mainly due to foodborne infections. Chronic HEV infection is defined as the detection of HEV RNA in blood or stools for more than 3 months. It often occurs in immunocompromised populations and may lead to rapid progression of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in patients. In China, HEV genotype 4 is the predominant genotype, so chronic hepatitis E patients in China are also mainly infected with HEV genotype 4. The diagnosis of HEV infection is mainly based on specific HEV antibodies or pathogenic indicators. HEV infection screening should focus on patients with underlying liver diseases, women of childbearing age and the elderly, as well as immunocompromised patients (such as organ transplant patients, patients with blood tumor, HIV-infected individuals), etc. There are still many problems in the diagnosis and treatment of HEV, including the unclear risk factors for rapid progression of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis E, and the unclear mechanisms on that elderly men and pregnant women are prone to severe cases of HEV infection.The screening of anti-HEV drugs is mostly based on in vitro cell models, which are still in the pre-clinical stage. In the future, research should focus on the pathogenesis of hepatitis E, promoting intersection, integration, and transformation of basic research and clinical research, which may provide impetus for the better diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis E.

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    Current research and challenges of low-level viremia in patients with chronic hepatitis B
    WANG Jiaojiao, CAI Dachuan
    2024, 23 (01):  23-29.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.004
    Abstract ( 177 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (909KB) ( 106 )  

    Although newborns are generally vaccinated against chronic hepatitis B virus, incidence of HBV infection decreases. However, in 2016, there were still 86 million cases of chronic HBV infection in China. In 2019, there were 296 million cases of chronic HBV infection worldwide, and approximately 820 000 people die from related diseases caused by HBV infection annually, such as liver failure, cirrhosis or HCC. Mostly, the clinical treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B can achieve therapeutic effects of inhibiting virus replication and delaying disease progression after standar-dized antiviral treatments (such as entecavir, tenofovir, and propofol tenofovir). But with a deeper understanding of the di-sease and the improvement of detection technology, it has been found in clinical practice that some patients, after 48 weeks of standardized treatment, had serum HBV DNA levels below 2 000 IU/mL and continuously or intermittently exceeding the lower limit of detection, which indicates a state of low-level viremia(LLV). The mechanism of LLV is currently unclear. Related studies have shown that LLV of HBV affects the clinical prognosis of patients, mainly manifesting as promoting liver inflammation, development of liver fibrosis, and an increased risk of decompensated cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and drug resistance. In addition, there are no clear recommendations for the treatment of patients with HBV LLV. This article will review the definition, possible mechanisms, clinical significance, and clinical management strategies of HBV LLV, providing reference for clinical physicians.

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    Guidelines and consensus
    Expert consensus on neuroimaging diagnosis of dementia and cognitive impairment (2023)
    Aging and Cognitive Impairment Branch of Shanghai Society of Aging and Degenerative Diseases
    2024, 23 (01):  30-39.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.005
    Abstract ( 837 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (9441KB) ( 841 )  

    For patients with cognitive impairment as the main clinical manifestation, structural MRI (or CT instead) should be performed first to clarify intracranial lesions and brain atrophy. For patients with specific clinical manifestations, specific MRI sequences is recommended to further assist diagnosis. If the patient is suspected of AD, it is recommended to perform oblique coronal T1WI for MTA grading to score medial temporal lobe atrophy. If the patient is suspected to be caused by vascular factors or special infections (prion proteins), it is recommended to perform diffusion-weighted imaging. If the patient has extrapyramidal symptoms or small vessel disease, especially cerebral amyloid angiopathy or cognitive impairment complicated by diabetes, it is recommended to perform susceptibility-weighted imaging. If a mass is suspicious on MRI, contrast-enhanced MR imaging and MR spectroscopy should be performed. If the patient has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, it is recommended to perform diffusion tensor imaging. If the patient is suspected to be caused by neurodegenerative diseases, it is recommended to perform 18F-FDG PET and Aβ-PET or tau-PET. Aβ-PET imaging and tau-PET imaging can visualize the degree and scope of pathological protein deposition in the brain, which has important predictive and diagnostic value for dementia and can be used for the differential diagnosis of dementia and staging the disease progression. In addition, resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy, and some emerging imaging techniques such as cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging, and diffusion tensor image analysis along the perivascular space have been studied in patients with cognitive impairment. It is expected that these technologies can be used in the future to better assist the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cognitive impairment. It should be noted that neuroimaging does not represent the complete diagnosis and clinical symptoms of the disease and must be interpreted with caution.

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    Academic trend at home and abroad
    Interpretation of the “2022 World Hemophilia Annual Report” by the World Federation of Hemophilia
    ZHU Lijun, ZHENG Changcheng
    2024, 23 (01):  40-45.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.006
    Abstract ( 337 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (904KB) ( 926 )  

    The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) released its new Annual Global Survey (AGS) in October 2022. The report sets goals for diagnosis and treatment of hereditary bleeding disorders, including a 25% increase in the diagnosis rate of hemophilia and a 14% increase in the diagnosis rate of von Willebrand disease (vWD) patient by 2025. It also aims to provide appropriate care and treatment particularly by increasing the rate of prophylactic treatment for severe hemophilia patients under the age of 18 by 25%, and continuing to provide humanitarian aid to at least 20 000 patients annually through the WFH. The AGS 2022 estimates the annual average prevalence of hemophilia worldwide, with hemophilia A (HA) at 17.1 per 100 000 males, including severe HA at 6.0 per 100 000 males; and hemophilia B (HB) at 3.8 per 100 000 males, including severe HB at 1.1 per 100 000 males. Based on the world population (7.9 billion, with 4 billion males), it is estimated that the global prevalence of hemophilia is around 10.6 per 100 000, with a total of 830 895 individuals with hemophilia worldwide, of which approximately 282 266 are severe cases. The prevalence rate of hemophilia in China is between 2.73 and 3.09 per 100 000, which is lower than that of the global average. It is indicated in the report that there are 11 700 female hemophilia patients, accounting for 5% of the total number of hemophilia patients; and there are 54 066 female vWD patients, accounting for 56% of the total vWD population, and 34 370 cases of other bleeding disorders in females, highlighting that vWD is the most common bleeding disorder among women. In China, there are a total of 27 689 patients with HA, with the age distribution as follows: 4% aged 0-4 years, 21% aged 5-13 years, 12% aged 14-18 years, 43% aged 19-44 years, 16% aged 45 and above, and 4% with an uncertain age. Compared with low-income countries, high-income countries have a higher diagnosis rate for mild hemophilia and fewer patients with uncertain diagnosis. Patients with hemophilia in low-income countries are at a significant risk of early death. The use of emicizumab for prophylactic treatment in economically developed regions is significantly higher than that in China. There is still a considerable gap between China and European and American countries in the diagnosis and treatment of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. It is necessary for clinical professionals in China to enhance their understanding of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders and to continuously improve diagnosis and treatment capabilities.

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    Original articles
    The value of radiomics based on T2WI and DWI of MRI in preoperative prediction of extramural vascular invasion in rectal cancer
    DING Jingfeng, AO Weiqun, ZHU Zhen, SUN Jing, XU Lianggen, ZHENG Shibao, YU Jingjing, HU Jinwen
    2024, 23 (01):  46-56.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.007
    Abstract ( 140 )   HTML ( 25 )   PDF (3021KB) ( 121 )  

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic performance of radiomics based on T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of MRI for preoperative prediction of extramural vascular invasion (EMVI) in rectal cancer. Methods A total of 168 patients with pathology-confirmed rectal adenocarcinoma were enrolled during January 2010 to June 2023. The patients underwent preoperative rectal MRI scans, and they were randomly divided into training set and validation set at a 7∶3 ratio. Radiomic features from T2WI and DWI were extracted and selected by dimensionality reduction using the maximum relevance minimum redundancy (mRMR) method and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression analysis with ten-fold cross-validation. The radiomic total score (Radscore) for each patient was calculated to make radiomics model. The training set enrolled three clinical features [gender, age and preoperative level of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)] and six magnetic resonance imaging features [ADC value, depth of infiltration, tumor length, tumor location, T staging and magnetic resonance imaging-defined extramural vascular invasion (mrEMVI)].The clinical model was established through univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis based on above clinical and imaging features, and the clinical-radiomics model (combined model) was established with Radscore and independent risk factors from the clinical model. The diagnostic efficacy of each model was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The differences in performance among the models were compared using the DeLong test. The Calibration curves were employed to evaluate the consistence between the preoperative predictive results obtained from the nomogram and the postoperative pathological results. Additionally, decision curve analysis (DCA) was applied to evaluate the clinical utility of the three models. Results The area under the curve (AUC) of the ROC curve for the combined model, clinical model, and radiomics model in the training were 0.926, 0.888, 0.756, and were 0.917, 0.896, 0.782 in validation sets, respectively. The DeLong test showed that the diagnostic efficacy of combined model was higher than that of radiomics model in both training and validation sets (P<0.05). The diagnostic efficacy of combined model was better than that of clinical model in the training set (P<0.05). The calibration curve showed the consistency between the preoperative predictive results obtained from the nomogram and the postoperative pathological findings was satisfied. The DCA showed that the risk threshold probabilities between 0.24 and 0.77, the clinical benefit of combined model was higher than those of clinical model and the radiomics model. Conclusions For preoperative prediction of EMVI in rectal cancer,the radiomics model based on T2WI and DWI of MRI has a satisfied diagnostic efficiency, while the clinical-radiomics model (combined model) may further enhance the diagnostic efficiency.

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    Analysis of relationship between gene status (EGFR, ALK, ROS1)and clinicopathological features in 1 232 cases of lung adenocarcinoma with lesion of maximum diameter≤1 cm
    ZHU Xia, WANG Xin, JIN Jingjing, XIAO Li
    2024, 23 (01):  57-66.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.008
    Abstract ( 150 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (5390KB) ( 25 )  

    Objective To study relationship between gene status [epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR), anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) and ROS proto-oncogene 1, receptor tyrosine kinase (ROS1)] in cases with pathological lung adenocarcinoma lesion of maximum diameter ≤1 cm. Methods A total of 1 232 patients with lung adenocarcinoma lesion of maximum diameter ≤1 cm were enrolled in the Pathology department of Huadong Hospital from January 2013 to October 2020. For patients with multiple lesions, only the biggest lesion was selected. The gene status of EGFR, ALK and ROS1 were identified and clinicopathological characteristics were retrospectively analyzed. Results There were 387 males and 845 females,with a mean age of 54 years.There were 182 (14.8%) cases of adenocarcinomas in situ, 778 (63.1%) cases of minimal invasive adenocarcinomas, 249(20.2%) invasive non-mucinous adenocarcinomas, and 23 (1.9%) invasive mucinous adenocarcinomas. It revealed that 43.1% (352/817 cases) had EGFR gene mutations, of which 46.9% (165/352 cases) were 21L858R mutations and 40.6% (143/352 cases) were 19Del mutations, and 0.9% (3/352 cases) were 18G719X/20S768I and 21L858R/20S768I double mutations. The rate of EGFR mutation were 31.0% (40/129), 42.0% (208/495), 58.4% (104/178), and 0 (0/15) for adenocarcinoma in situ, minimal invasive adenocarcinoma, invasive non-mucinous adenocarcinoma, and invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma, respectively.And 23.1% (3/13 cases) had different EGFR mutation detected for different lesions in the same patient (In 13 cases with 2 lesions of lung adenocarcinoma successively, 2 cases were positive for 19Del mutation in the first postoperative lesion and EGFR wild-type in the second lesion: one case was EGFR wild type in the first postoperative lesion and 21L858R mutation in the second lesion). The rate of EGFR mutations was correlated with histological type and age, and not associated with sex or smoking. EGFR mutations was more likely to occur in the age group over 60 years and in invasive non-mucinous adenocarcinomas. It showed that 1.9% (22/1168 cases) were positive for ALK rearrangements, with a positive rate of 5.2% in invasive non-mucinous adenocarcinomas and of 2.6% in patients ≤60 years. The positive rate of ALK rearrangement in adenocarcinomas with solid components (22.2%, 4/18) was significantly higher than that in invasive non-mucinous adenocarcinomas (5.2%, 12/233) and adenocarcinomas without solid components (1.1%, 12/1095). It showed that 0.8% (6/795 cases) were positive for ROS1 rearrangements, independent of sex, age, smoking and histological type. A total of 382 cases were tested for EGFR, ALK and ROS1 simultaneously, of which 40.6% (155/382) of the tumours containing one of these three mutations or rearrangements status, and no co-exist in either or all three. Conclusions In this single-center study, minimal invasive adenocarcinomas accounts for the majority (63.1%) of lung adenocarcinomas with a lesion size ≤1 cm. At least 40% of them have mutations or rearrangements in one of the three genes (EGFR, ALK and ROS1), and none of which were significantly associated with sex or smoking. The most common EGFR mutations are 21L858R and 19Del, which occur more frequently in invasive non-mucinous adenocarcinomas in the >60 age group, while ALK rearrangements occur more frequently in solid-component adenocarcinomas in the ≤60 age group. The incidence of ROS1 rearrangements is low. The molecular change may be different in the same patien to with multiple adenocarcinomas,molecular testing foci is necessary for each lesion.

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    Application value of optical coherence tomography angiography in diagnosis of the non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
    ZHANG Qiong, WU Yanlin, HU Qiwei, ZHANG Zewei, HUANG Shouyue
    2024, 23 (01):  67-76.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.009
    Abstract ( 101 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (6485KB) ( 66 )  

    Objective To analyze the application value of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) in the diagnosis of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). Methods A total of 122 patients with or without diabetic retinopathy who has the history of diabetes mellitus were consecutively enrolled from January 2021 to June 2023. All the patients were examined with fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) followed by OCTA. According to the results of FFA, the patients were divided into four groups: control(non-OCTA), mild, moderate and severe NPDR groups. OCTA indice included central macular thickness(CMT), vascular density (VD), perfusion density (PD), foveal avascular zone area(FAZ-A), foveal avascular zone perimeter (FAZ-P), and foveal avascular zone circularity index (FAZ-CI) along with central macular thickness (CMT). The differences in quantitative levels of OCTA parameters were assessed with one-way analysis of variance or non-parametric test, and the risk for NPDR development and severity by OCTA parameters were evaluated with multiple Logistic regression modeling analysis.The diagnostic values of single OCTA parameter or in combination for NPDR were evaluated with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and area under curve (AUC) analysis methods. Results VDs in the NPDR groups were significantly lower than that of control group, showing obvious decrease in severe NPDR group compared to the mild and the moderate groups (P<0.05). PD in moderate and severe NPDR groups were significantly lower than that of control group (P<0.05). PD in severe NPDR group was lower than those of mild and moderate NPDR groups. FAZ-A in the mild, moderate and severe NPDR groups were significantly lower than that of control group (P<0.05), but no difference was observed among the three NPDR groups. FAZ-P in the mild, moderate and severe NPDR groups were significantly lower than those of control group (P<0.05), but no difference was observed among these NPDR groups. There was no statistical difference in FAZ-CI between groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that CMT increase, VD and FAZ-P decrease were accociated with NPRD (P=0.03, <0.001 and 0.001), while CMT increase and VD decrease were independent risk factors for NPDR severity (P=0.01, <0.001). ROC curve analysis showed that CMT(>260.00 μm), VD (<16.55/mm2) and FAZ-P (<2.15 mm) were of significant independent diagnostic value for NPDR (AUC=0.63, 0.78 and 0.70), among which the diagnostic efficiency of VD was significantly higher than that of CMT (P=0.02), and no statistical difference of diagnostic efficacy between CMT and VD or FAZ-P (P>0.05). A combination of CMT, VD and FAZ-P showed higher diagnostic value than any single measurement (AUC=0.86, all P <0.05). Conclusions The OCTA parameters CMT, VD and FAZ-P alone show significant independent diagnostic values for NPDR, and combination of three indices have more efficacy.Integrating the vascular parameters with macular morphology of OCTA measurement might effectively improve clinical diagnosis of NDPR.

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    Case reports
    Burkitt lymphoma presenting as unilateral tonsil enlargement in an adolescent:a case report and literature review
    LIU Xiuling, SUN Yanyan
    2024, 23 (01):  77-82.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.010
    Abstract ( 194 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (5239KB) ( 218 )  

    Burkitt lymphoma is a highly aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma characterized by rapid growth, and Burkitt lymphoma originating in the tonsil is rare. Most of the cases have no obvious specific symptoms in the early stage, and the clinical symptoms are varied. Children’s symptoms are more atypical, which are easy to be misdiagnosed and missed. We report a case of adolescent with unilateral tonsil enlargement in our hospital, who was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma (BL). For patients with rapid enlargement of the tonsils in a short period, asymmetry of the tonsils (Brodskyscale tonsil size difference ≥ 2 degrees), mainly local symptoms but without obvious systemic symptoms, and rare enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and no obvious abnormalities in laboratory tests, CT or MRI examination of the neck, or further PET/CT examination should be completed in time. When suspected malignant tumors revealed on imaging, especially high value of SUVmax on PET/CT, tonsil biopsy should be performed. Early detection. Early diagnosis can improve the prognosis of Burkitt lymphoma. In this case, the diagnosis was timely and accurate. Surgical resection of the left tonsil alleviated local symptoms in this cas, and chemotherapy treatment was timely completed after postoperative pathology. Efficacy of surgery combined with chemotherapy is good for the patient and long-term follow-up is available.

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    Review articles
    Research progress on the value of CT and MRI in predicting hemorrhagic transformation after acute ischemic stroke
    LI Ming, CHEN Kemin, PAN Zilai, LUO Yu
    2024, 23 (01):  83-89.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.011
    Abstract ( 190 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (1214KB) ( 32 )  

    Cerebral infarction is the second leading cause of death in the world, and has become the most serious cause of disability and death in China. Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is the most common type of cerebral infarction, accounting for about 80% of all cerebral infarctions. Hemorrhagic transformation (HT) is one of the natural regression processes in patients with AIS, and is the most serious complication after treatments [such as intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) or endovascular thrombectomy (EVT)], which brings a heavy burden for patients and their families and even the all society. Accurate prediction and evaluation are of important clinical significance. In recent years, imaging research has focused on the value of CT and MRI in evaluating HT. The diagnostic value of CT plain scan is limited. Before AIS treatment, an early diagnostic score ≤ 7 points in the Alberta Cerebral Infarction Plan is associated with the occurrence of HT (P=0.033), and high-density middle cerebral artery sign is an independent risk factor for the occurrence of HT (OR=10.334). For AIS patients treated with thrombectomy within 2-7 days, dual energy CT scanning at 24 hours after therapy had a high efficacy for prediction of HT occurrence, with a sensitivity of 82.5% and specificity of 100%. CT angiography suggests that patients with high thrombus burden had a higher probability of developing HT (OR=1.28). The incidence of HT in AIS patients with good collateral circulation is low. CT perfusion imaging parameters, including surface permeability, cerebral blood volume, Tmax, etc., have good predictive value for predicting HT occurence. In MRI plain scan, high signal on FLAIR can predict the occurrence of HT. The volume of high signal areas on MRI diffusion-weighted imaging can predict HT, with area under the ROC curve of 0.78.Brush like sign, and micro bleeding lesions on sensitivity weighted MRI indicate the occurrence of HT. Enhanced T1 weighted imaging of MRI shows a significant correlation between brain parenchymal enhancement and HT occurrence (P<0.05). Perfusion weighted imaging of MRI shows a decrease in cerebral blood flow (CBV) in the infarcted area may predict HT occurence. In addition, the CT and MRI image post-processing system RAPID has improved the evaluation efficiency for HT occurrence. In the future, personalized imaging detection methods and processes should set up based on the hardware and local medical conditions of each emergency center for HT management.

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    Advances in the study on Ang/Tie signaling pathway in diagnosis and treatment of sepsis
    YANG Hang, DAI Jing, WANG Xuefeng
    2024, 23 (01):  90-95.  DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.01.012
    Abstract ( 204 )   HTML ( 38 )   PDF (889KB) ( 122 )  

    Sepsis and concomitant multiorgan dysfunction are a group of common clinical syndromes, and their prevalence are increasing year by year due to the increase of the aging population. It reveals that 20 million cases of sepsis occur globally every year, with a mortality rate of 26%. Early diagnosis of sepsis facilitates the adoption of timely and targeted therapeutic strategies, which is a key element in reducing mortality. Endothelial cells (EC) are the early targets of exogenous pathogens and endogenous injury signals, and numerous studies suggest that structural changes and functional activation of EC play an important role in the development of sepsis. As an endothelial-exclusive signaling pathway, the angiopoietin (Ang)/tyrosine kinase receptor (Tie) signaling pathway plays an important role in the abnormal activation and injury of EC, and plays a central role in the regulation of dysfunctional changes in the disease process. The Ang/Tie signaling pathway mainly includes two tyrosine kinase receptors (Tie1, Tie2) located in EC and four secreted glycoprotein ligands (Ang-1, Ang-2, Ang-3, Ang-4). Ang-1 sustainably activates the Tie2 receptor, maintaining function between cells, and between cell and matrix, supporting the normal physiological functions of vascular EC. Ang-2 is an Ang-1 antagonist, competitively blocking the binding of Ang-1 to the Tie2 receptor. In a sepsis environment, the ratio of Ang-1/Ang-2 decreases (Ang-1 decreases, while Ang-2 increases). Ang-2 competitively blocks the binding of Ang-1 to Tie2 receptors, resulting in severe abnormal activation of EC. Ang-2 mediates the release of heparinase (HPSE), resulting in glycocalyx damage and an increase of vascular permeability. Ang-2 increase may promote inflammatory response. Ang/Tie signaling system dysfunction results in coagulation dysfunction, and Ang-2 elevation is a sentinel event in disseminated intravascular coagulation. In terms of disease monitoring, the sensitivity of Ang-2>5.61 ng/mL for diagnosing sepsis is 74.36%. Continuing rise of Ang-2 indicates that patients are in difficulty with restoring endothelial function and normal function in organs. Early dynamic mornitoring of Ang-2 can be used to predict sepsis related lung injury and acute kidney injury. The increase in Ang-2/Ang-1 ratio and Ang-2/soluble Tie ratio are independently correlated with the 90 d- mortality rate of sepsis patients(area under ROC curve is 0.787 and 0.704, respectively). Decrease of Ang-2 and / or Tie-2 in levels indicates good efficay of plasma exchange in sepsis patients. Targeting the Ang/Tie signaling pathway have achieved certain success in animal experiments, but currently clinical trials have not yielded valuable results. Further in-depth research is needed on the Ang/Tie signaling pathway related to sepsis.

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