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    23 July 2020, Volume 5 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Original article
    Effects of Low Oxygen Tension on Proliferation of Murine Bone Marrow Stem Cells
    ZHANG Yingying, JIANG Ting, ZHOU Guangdong, CAO Yilin
    2009, 5 (6):  307-309.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.002
    Abstract ( 329 )  
    Objective The proliferation of murine bone marrow stem cells(mBMSCs) is relatively slowly in vitro and gradually lose their phenotype.To study the effect of low oxygen tension on proliferation of mBMSCs in order to find a better way for mBMSCs quick expansion.Methods Murine bone marrow stem cells were isolated and cultured at low oxygen tension(4%O_2) or conventional oxygen tension(20%O_2).Their proliferation,cell morphology and DNA cycle were observed and compared.Results Low oxygen tension(4%O_2) promoted the mBMSCs proliferation,and the cell doubling time(4%O_2) culture was shorter than that of 20%O_2.There were significant cell morphological differences between mBMSCs cultured at 4%O_2 and 20%O_2.Moreover,the portion of cells at 4%O_2 in DNA synthetic period is higher comparing with 20%O_2. Conclusion Low oxygen tension(4%O_2) culture can promote mBMSCs proliferation and it may be a better way to expand mBMSCs in vitro for tissue engineering.
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    Experimental Study of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Differentiation of Vascular Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Vitro
    CHEN En, ZHU Jiaxue, QIN Jinbao, DING Wenxiang, YU Xiaoqing, GAO Botao
    2009, 5 (6):  310-313.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.003
    Abstract ( 377 )  
    Objective To explore the differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells(UMSCs).Methods The UCMSCs were isolated from full-term neonates.MSCs were obtained by mixed enzymatic digestion and cultured in DMEM/10%FBS.Surface antigens of UCMSCs were detected by flow cytometry.Different passages of MSCs(P3-P6) were induced to differentiate towards endothelial progenitor cells by VEGF and b-FGF,then endothelial cells markers were detected by immunofluorescence.Results Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells can be induced to endothelial cells lineage.Immunofluorescent assay showed that different passages of MSCs could express CD34,CD133 and vWF and Dil-acLDL assay was positive.Conclusion Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells could be induced into vascular endothelial cells,which could be used as a new source of seeding cells for tissue engineered blood vessel and cardiac valve.
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    Construction of PLGA Release Microspheres with Adjustable Acidic Degradation Properties
    XIE Shujun, CEN Lian, ZHU Qing, CUI Lei, LIU Wei, CAO Yilin
    2009, 5 (6):  314-317.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.004
    Abstract ( 384 )  
    Objective To construct poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)(PLGA) micro-spheres with adjustable acidic degradation properties for application as an injectable scaffold in tissue engineering and carriers of drug release.Methods Sodium tripolyphosphate(TPP) was encapsulated by using W/O/W double-emulsion solvent evaporation method into PLGA micro-spheres.Results When the mixing molar ratio of PLGA to TPP was 64:1,the pH value of the solution containing PLGA/TPP micro-spheres could be well maintained at a neutral condition during the degradation of PLGA.The pH value of the resulting solution after being degraded for 28 days was 6.93,significantly higher than that of the respective one containing the pristine PLGA micro-spheres under the same condition(P<0.05).The amount of TPP could render a dramatic effect on the degradation behaviors of PLGA.When the molar ratio of PLGA to TPP was increased into 12:1,the pH value of the solution containing those PLGA/TPP micro-spheres would decrease to 6.35 after being degraded for 28 days,significantly lower than that of the pristine PLGA micro-spheres at the same time point(pH=6.66)(P<0.05).Conclusion The addition of such kind of salt with strong buffering capacity can efficiently neutralize the acid produced from the degradation of PLGA micro-spheres so as to prohibit the decrease in the pH value of the surrounding environment.However,if too much salt were used,the degradation of PLGA micro-spheres would also be accelerated.
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    Application of SimPlant Software to Match Contour of Iliac Oste-omyocutaneous Flap and Repair Mandibular Defect
    SUN Jian, SHEN Yi, LI Jun, JI Tong, LUO Jian, YU Zhiwei
    2009, 5 (6):  318-321.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.005
    Abstract ( 484 )  
    Objective To introduce the application of SimPlant software to match contour of iliac crest and mandibular defect before operation in order to guide harvesting iliac osteo-myocutaneous flap and reconstructing mandible.Methods Before operation,SimPlant software was used to simulate segmental mandibulectomy and auto-match contour of iliac crest and mandibular defect so that harvesting and shaping iliac osteo -myocutaneous flap could be calculated.Segmental mandibulectomy and mandibular reconstruction with iliac osteo-myocutaneous flap were performed according to preoperative design.Results The facial appearances of the patients according to preoperative design were symmetry.Post-operative panoramic radiograph and three-dimensional CT scan revealed that the contour of mandible reconstructed with iliac crest flap was ideal and the condyles were located within the glenoid fossa.Conclusion Application of SimPlant software to auto-match donor and recipient site can simplify the operation of mandibular reconstruction with iliac osteo-myocutaneous flap,reduce the operative damage,increase the accurate result,and create good condition for functional mandibular reconstruction.
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    Experimental Study of Rapid Prototyping 3D Model in the Treatment of Cleft Lip and Palate
    MA Xiaofei, ZHANG Yan, GONG Xin, ZHU Ming, CHAI Gang
    2009, 5 (6):  322-324.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.006
    Abstract ( 393 )  
    Objective To establish exact 3D model and Solid model of cleft lip and palate by 3D laser scanning,CAD and rapid prototyping technology.Methods Ten patients of cleft clip and palate were in this study.Their alveolar bone models were got.The 3D solid model was made by 3D laser scanning,CAD and RP.Results Through 3D digital model and solid model,relative accuracy to the model was achieved of 97.7%-99.01%.Conclusion Accurate 3D solid model can be manufactured to substitute dental plaster models through RP technology.It is more important to the preoperative ananysis,the plan of operation and invention of orthosis.
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    Study of Designing Digital Nose Implant by the 3D Information from Laser Passing and CT Scan
    ZHU Ming, CHAI Gang, YU Zheyuan, CONG Qianqian
    2009, 5 (6):  325-327.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.007
    Abstract ( 413 )  
    Objective To establish a measurement system,which can provide the 3D information immediately and accurately for nose implant.Methods Twenty patients were selected in random;and the figure model was established by 3D laser passing and CT scan.The two models were opened in the photo station at the same time;and then fitting was done according to the facial landmark points.Results By fitting,the precise 3D information of patient\'s faces.Conclusion Combining the information from laser passing and CT scan,the measurement system for designing digital nose implant could be get accurately and quickly.It is more valuable on the digital design of rhinoplasty.
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    The Pathological Features and Ultrastructure of the Fibroblasts in the Delayed Healing of the Ultrapulse CO_2 Laser Surgery
    YE Xinhai, YANG Qinghua, WANG Kaiyuan, ZHOU Shengjie, CHEN Xi, NI Jianxin, LIN Hemin
    2009, 5 (6):  328-330.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.008
    Abstract ( 351 )  
    Objective To compare the histologic appearance and the ultrastructure of fibroblast in the healing of ultrapulsed CO_2 laser and scalpel incisions of rats.To explore the mechanism of the ultrapulsed CO_2 laser in the delayed the wound healing;and that to provide a theoretical support for its clinical application.Methods Six W power levels ultrapulsed CO_2 laser and a scalpel were performed in the skin to form two incisions on each of the total seventy two male SD rats.Wounds were harvested at 0,1,2,3,5,7,10,15 and 20 days schedules.Each specimen was prepared for staining with haematoxylin and eosin.Fibroblast of every sections were counted and evaluated independently;and observed the ultrastructure of the fibroblast at 3,5,7,10,15 and 20 days schedules by electron-microscope.Results The average time for the incisions closure of the ultrapulsed CO_2 laser at 6 W level was 12.81 days when the parallel scalpel incisions which healed significant earlier(P<0.01),which healed at 8.94 days.The generation of fibroblasts was inhibited at 5 days,the number of the laser group at 6 W level was(76.625 0±7.153 92),which was less then the scalpel group(101.406 3±20.557 82). There was statistically significant difference(P<0.05).In different periods of wound healing,there were different distribution of different types of fibroblasts by electron microscope.Conclusion The ultrapulsed CO_2 laser may delay the wound healing, due to power setting-dependent tissue thermal damage which lead to the change of the phase on the generation of fibroblast, ultrastructural changes and the inhibition of fibroblasts.
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    Experience of the Comprehensive Treatment to Limb-salvage Operation of Lower Limb Destructive Injury
    WANG Jun, ZHANG Kaigang, ZHANG Yuedong
    2009, 5 (6):  331-332.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.009
    Abstract ( 353 )  
    Objective To investigate the method and effect of comprehensive treatment of limb-salvage operation of lower limb destructive injury.Methods Summing up the 17 cases of serious lower limb destructive injuries in the past five years,all patients were given emergency surgery within 6-8 hours after injury,including internal or external fixation, anastomosis of damage blood vessels and nerves,first or second flap transplantation.After that comprehensive treatment was performed.Results One case was amputated due to below inguinal multi-vessel laceration and muscular necrosis.The lower limbs of destructive injury were salvaged in 16 cases.Conclusion Application of a reasonable comprehensive surgical treatment can effectively save the verge amputation limb of severe trauma and reduce disability rate.
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    Clinical Application of the Island Flap with Dorsal Branch of the Digital Nerve on Repairing the Finger Tip Soft Tissue Defect and Bone Exposure
    CHENG Yongfeng, LIU Wei, Ahmatjiang·Yusufu
    2009, 5 (6):  333-351.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.010
    Abstract ( 352 )  
    Objective To explore the clinical effect of the finger dorsum cutaneous nerve and fascia pedicle flap for repairing fingertip soft tissue defect and bone exposure.Methods Twenty one cases with finger soft tissue defect were repaired with the finger dorsum cutaneous nerve and fascia pedicle flap.The survival rate,texture,colour,and sensibility of the flap were observed.Results All cases were followed up from 5 to 11 months with an average of 8 mouths.All flaps were survived and the bone exposure was repaired excellently.The flap obtained satisfactory appearance,good function and cosmetic results.Pain and warmth sensation of the flaps recovered completely.Conclusion Repairing defect of fingertip with island flap of dorsal branch of digital nerve can provide good texture and contour matching the recipient area little injuries.
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    Clinical Application of Vacuum Sealing Drainage(VSD) Combining with Reversed Leg Neurovascular Flap on the Leg Wounds Repair
    CAI yanxian, WANG Yongchun, LIN Sen
    2009, 5 (6):  335-336.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.011
    Abstract ( 364 )  
    Objective To evaluate the results of VSD combining with reversed leg neurovascular flap on the leg wounds repair.Methods From March 2008 to September 2009,9 Patients underwent a common therapy of vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) combining with reversed neurovascular flap in the treatment of leg wounds.Results All flaps obtained healing by first intention.The average postopretive hospitalization days were 23.4 days(22-30 days).Conclusion Combining VSD with reversed neurovascular flap was a recommendable procedure for repair of soft tissue defect in peri -ankle area.It can stimulate the growth of granulation tissue and reduce the hospitalization time.It is a simple,safe and effective method on the leg wounds repair.
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    Correction of Nasal Deformities of the Unilateral Cleft Lip by Medpor Combined with Cartilage of Nasal Septum
    WU Xuan, CHEN Xiaoping, LIN Jinde, ZHOU Yudan, GAO Xia, XU Yanwu
    2009, 5 (6):  337-339.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.012
    Abstract ( 362 )  
    Objective To correct nasal deformities of cleft lip and Palate by Medpor implants and cartilage of nasal septum.Methods Medpor implant was placed nearby verge of anterior nasal aperture to raise fundament of nose;Cartilage of nasal septum was harvested to raise apex nasi and repair collapsed nasal wing.Results Fifteen cases were treated by this method and the results were satisfying and the contour of the nose were similar to normal.Conclusion Medpor implant and cartilage of nasal septum can be used to correct nasal deformities of cleft lip and Palate.This is an ideal method with slight wound,shorter operative time quick recovery and concealed postoperative scar.
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    The Stimulating Effect of Intense Pulsed Light on the Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-β1 in Rats
    ZHOU Shengjie, CHEN Xi, YE Xinhai
    2009, 5 (6):  340-342.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.013
    Abstract ( 402 )  
    Objective To investigate the expression of TGF-β1 after intense pulsed light(IPL) management to rat skins and elucidate the possible treatment mechanism of IPL.Methods Fifteen Sprague Dawley(SD) rats were included in the study,and the dorsal skins of subjects were irradiated by intense pulsed light with cut-off wavelength filter of 560 nm, fluence of 27 J/cm~2,pulse duration of 3 ms and a double pulse duration of 10 ms.Skin biopsy from each subject from both treated and untreated(control) sites were performed on postoperative 4 weeks.The specimens were processed by immunohistochemistry(IHC) and analyzed quantitatively with microscopic photographs using imaging analysis software system.In addition,immunohistochemical staining was also employed to study the distribution of TGF-β1 in normal rat skin and the specific TGF-β1 changes after intense pulsed light irradiation.Results With skin immuno-staining detecting weakly positive expression to TGF-β1,TGF-β1 was diffusely present in the whole layers of normal rat skin,including the epidermis and ECM in dermis.Furthermore,TGF-β1 was significantly increased with intense pulsed light irradiation after 4 weeks.The more intensive brown-staining in the epithelium around the adnexal follicle and ECM in the dermis were found, which were significantly different from those of control skin sites(P<0.001).A number of fibroblasts were easily found in TGF-β1 rich areas.Conclusion Intense pulsed light irradiation can markedly regulate the secretion of TGF-β1 in rat skin which may be the presumable mechanisms of intense pulsed light treatment to photoaged skin.
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    Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Internal Fixation with Hollow Screw in the Treatment of Talus Fracture
    LIU Wei, Ahmatjiang·Yusufu, CHEN Yongfeng
    2009, 5 (6):  343-345.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.014
    Abstract ( 558 )  
    Objective To summarize the clinical application and effects of minimally invasive percutaneous internal fixation with hollow screw in the treatment of talus fracture.Methods Thirty seven patients with talus fractures were treated by minimally invasive percutaneous internal fixation with hollow screw.Close reduction was performed under X-ray with C-arm. Percutaneous 1 or 2 hollow screws(4-5 mm wide) were used for internal fixation.Results All patients were followed up for 12-24 months.According to the Malyrand scoring,the results were excellent in 23 cases,good in 4 cases,fain in 1 case.There was no incision infection and skin necrosis.The choiceness rate was 96.4%.Conclusion Percutaneous internal fixation with hollow screw in the treatment of talus fracture has following advantages:the better stability,minimal trauma, simple operation.This method was not necessary to open reduction so that protect the blood supply around the fracture and prevent ischemic necrosis of the talus.It is an effective treatment of talus fracture.
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