Objective To explore the incidence rate, severity and risk factors of breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL)
among breast cancer survivors. Methods Data collected from 128 patients underwent breast cancer operation during September
1 to December 31, 2019. All the patients were female, aging (49.0±6.8) years (29-81 years). The Norman questionnaire and arm
circumference measurement were used to evaluate the BCRL status and treatment status of breast cancer patients from subjective
and objective perspectives at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after surgery separately. The influence of the correlation factors on BRCL
occurrence was analyzed by Logistic analysis. Results BRCL incidences were 9.4%, 25%, 23.4% and 23.4% at 6, 12, 24, 36
months according to arm circumference measurement, while 12.5%, 26.6%, 25.0% and 25.0% by Norman questionnaire. Among the 128 patients, 30 were diagnosed with BCRL after breast cancer surgery, among which the incidence of stage Ⅰ
lymphedema, stage Ⅱ lymphedema and stage Ⅲ lymphedema were 15.6%, 6.3% and 1.6%, respectively. Age, body mass index (BMI) radiotherapy, the number of positive lymph nodes and surgery method showed differences between the the BCRL group and control group. Both CDT or LVA showed improvement for the BCRL patients. Conclusion BCRL is a common complication for
breast cancer patients after surgery. It can be fairly diagnosed in the first year after surgery without the increasing incidence of
BCRL over time throughout 3 years. BMI, radiotherapy were found to be independent risk factors in the development of BCRL in
this study.