Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 103-113.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.012

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“Proximization” as a Positive Discourse Strategy:A Case Study of Zhu Ziqing’s Essay “Spring”

LUO Xuanmin(), CAO Yunzhi   

  • Online:2023-06-23 Published:2023-07-31


“Proximization”, as a new perspective of discourse analysis, is widely used in Critical Discourse Analysis. Its assumption is that discourse producer usually depicts the Outside Deictic Center (ODC) as a dangerous entity gradually moving closer to the Inside Deictic Center (IDC), and persuades IDC to take actions against impending ODC to legalize their illegal actions. Thus, proximization is assigned a negative coloring. However, in this research it is found that “proximization” can be used as a positive discourse strategy for Positive Discourse Analysis. ODC is not always negative or dangerous,but sometimes it is friendly and beneficial to IDC. This research takes the prose “Spring” (by Zhu Ziqing) as an example, from the perspective of spatial proximization, temporal proximization and axiological proximization, to have made positive discourse analysis of the prose “Spring”. It has been found that the relationship between ODC and IDC in the prose “Spring” is not hostile but harmonious. ODC transfers positive power to IDC, IDC warmly embracing ODC. It is evident that proximization in the prose “Spring” is a positive discourse strategy.

Key words: proximization, Positive Discourse Strategy, Inside Deictic Center (IDC), Outside Deictic Center (ODC), harmonious coexistence

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