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    23 June 2023, Volume 23 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Cross-disciplinary and Digital-Humanities Method in the Study of Foreign Literature
    ZHANG Jian
    2023, 23 (3):  5-13.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.001
    Abstract ( 339 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (1322KB) ( 190 )  

    Within the discipline of Foreign Language and Literature (FLL), literature and country-and-area studies have lagged behind linguistics and translation studies in developing cross-disciplinary approaches and strategies, but this situation is likely to change in the near future. This essay discusses the discipline’s boundary and the possibility of cross-disciplinary studies. In the past 50 years, the FLL discipline has gone through two periods of development: first the emphasis on boundary and independence, then the opening-up and the emphasis on cross-disciplinary study—the brief history indicates that the latter has become the order of the day and the direction of future development. In this age of information technology, big data and AI will provide new opportunities and challenges for FLL, which if we dare grasp them, will usher in a new era of innovative development for the discipline.

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    Transknowletology Studies and International Knowledge Communication
    XIAO Huafeng
    2023, 23 (3):  14-24.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.002
    Abstract ( 379 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (1531KB) ( 270 )  

    The core purpose of knowledge translation lies in international knowledge communication. The “West learning from the East” and “East learning from the West” are actually the international knowledge communication under the perspective of knowledge translation studies, which have promoted the integration of East and West cultures and the construction of global knowledge system. Knowledge translation studies is not only an innovative translation theory, but also a translation practice. Based on knowledge reproduction and knowledge re-dissemination, knowledge translation is more importantly a national strategic act of knowledge diplomacy.

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    On Legal Translation from the Perspective of Transknowletology
    ZHANG Falian, CUI Can
    2023, 23 (3):  25-32.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.003
    Abstract ( 454 )   HTML ( 11 )   PDF (1266KB) ( 306 )  

    To strengthen the construction of the rule of law concerning foreign affairs and tell a good story about the rule of law in China, legal translation has become increasingly important. Starting from the knowledge subject of legal translation, this paper shows the value of knowledge in legal translation from the perspective of transknowletology. Legal translation processes, reconstructs, and spreads Chinese legal ideas, legal language and culture, legal norms, legal texts and other local knowledge across legal systems and languages, so that the local legal knowledge in China and the West can transfer. It is not only conducive for China to fully learn from foreign advanced experience and the beneficial achievements in the rule of law, learn from the global beneficial achievements of the rule of law civilization, but also can make the essence of Chinese legal culture known to the world, and establish the image of “China under the rule of law” in the international community, which can contribute China’s strength to the culture of rule of law in the world.

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    The Knowledge Construction and Circulation of the Conpect “Liberty” in the Late Qing Dynasty
    LI Wenting
    2023, 23 (3):  33-42.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.004
    Abstract ( 385 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (3358KB) ( 119 )  

    Transknowletology incorporates disciplinary terms, concepts and knowledge organically, which provides a new theoretical perspective for the study of translation history. The term “liberty”, which originally belonged to Western knowledge, was first translated and introduced to China by Shun Pao in the late Qing Dynasty, and encountered both positive and negative knowledge construction of various forces. Its connotations finally gained recognition after the Revolution of 1911, and were established and circulated in the public opinion. The visualization tool “Voyant Tools” is applied to analyze the frequency and fields of the term “liberty” in the newspapers and journals in the late Qing Dynasty. It is found that the translation and introduction of “liberty” in the newspapers and journals in the late Qing Dynasty can be divided into three stages: the embryonic stage (1896-1898), the steady-growth stage (1899-1910) and the rapid-growth stage (1911). The close reading of the text is also applied to explore the circulation of the term “liberty” within the texts of the newspapers and journals, and the ideological competitions outside the texts, thus presenting the historical picture of the construction and circulation of new knowledge on liberty in the context of the late Qing Dynasty.

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    Translinguistic Cognition Studies in Transknowletology
    XIAO Ting, LI Xiaqing, KANG Zhifeng
    2023, 23 (3):  43-50.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.005
    Abstract ( 433 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (1092KB) ( 228 )  

    This paper is to provide a new cognitive perspective for the study of Transknowletology and to deepen the cognitive level of Transknowletology. As a new hot topic in the field of translation, Transknowletology has attracted more and more scholars’ attention, and they rectify the name of knowledge and the nature of translation. From the perspective of knowledge cognition,namely from the source language to the target language, translinguistic knowledge, and translinguistic cognition, this paper explores the translinguistic cognitive study of Transknowletology, and the results show that knowledge translation is not only a knowledgeable process of translinguistic, but also a cognitive process of translinguistic. This paper expounds the translinguistic nature of Transknowletology from the aspects of source language cognition, target language cognition and knowledge cognition. This paper also provides a new cognitive perspective for the study of Transknowletology, expands the research path of Transknowletology, enriches the research content of Transknowletology, and thus has a certain enlightenment and reference for later relative studies of Transknowletology.

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    On National Translation Capacity from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory
    JIANG Qingsheng, WU Yun
    2023, 23 (3):  51-58.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.006
    Abstract ( 254 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (1179KB) ( 119 )  

    National Translation Practice (NTP) is essentially cross-linguistic speech acts, thus correlates closely with the theoretical terms from Speech Act Theory (SAT) like intention and intentionality, constitutional rules and regulative rules, brute facts and institutional facts. Nevertheless, these facets are largely underexplored in the study of NTP. In terms of the subject of NTP, collective intentionality could expound how the nation, as an abstract subject, carries out the translation process. With regard to the implementing process, NTP starts with brute facts and regulative rule of the source text for code-switching, and is relatively less competent in grasping the institutional facts and constitutional rules of the target language. This paper thus concludes that National Translation Capacity (NTC) is a capacity of collective intentionality gathering by certain authorized institutions. And NTC can be enhanced by subsuming the predication of the realization degree of NTP, the recovery of institutional rules and the effect examination from the recipients.

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    The State Translation Program of New China’s Constitution—From the Perspective of the Separate Editions of Foreign Languages Press
    GONG Zhuo
    2023, 23 (3):  59-65.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.007
    Abstract ( 236 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (1023KB) ( 187 )  

    Focusing on the translation and publishing of New China’s four constitutions, this paper aims to elaborate that the translation activities of the four constitutions, led by institutes such as Legal Work Committee of NPC are the significant state behavior manifesting the Self-confidence of System. The most outstanding fruits of the Program are the separate editions of the four constitutions published in the name of the Foreign Languages Press. The translation of the Constitution (1954) set the foundation of New China’s State Translation Program, covered wide range of key languages, and inherited the translation of the Common Program of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. The translations of the four constitutions were also simultaneously introduced to the West and China’s international discourse power in rule-of-law has been strengthened by the Program of the Constitution (1982).

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    On the Forms of English Translation of Sanguoyanyi and Their Functions
    XU Duo
    2023, 23 (3):  66-74.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.008
    Abstract ( 650 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (1380KB) ( 199 )  

    Translations are an essential object of the study of translation and a straightforward path for readers to gain an understanding of the literature and culture of other nations. Sanguoyanyi has been translated into English over two centuries, and its English translation takes on a variety of forms, each serving a unique function. The abridged translation puts emphasis on the portrayal of the core characters and the narrative of the key episodes; the full translation pays more attention to the systematic presentation of the history and literary values of the original text; the compilative translation aims at the dissemination of the culture of the Three Kingdoms; the condensed translation demonstrates the catering to contemporary readers. Analysis of the different translation forms of the English translation of Sanguoyanyi and their functions help to grasp the relationship between translation forms and functions. It also contributes to choosing the appropriate translation form for translating and introducing the culture of the Three Kingdoms to foreign countries.

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    The English Translation of Folk Language in Diplomatic Discourse
    HUO Yuehong, JIANG Ruihan
    2023, 23 (3):  75-82.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.009
    Abstract ( 292 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (1351KB) ( 101 )  

    Diplomatic discourse with Chinese characteristics in the new era is a multi-form discourse that combines the solemnity of political discourse with the affability of folk discourse. Its solemnity is a characteristic of the genre itself, while its affability contributes to affect expression and effective communication. Folk language serves as the primary carrier of affability, but its translation studies have not received enough attention. This paper, based on the theory of translator behavior criticism, explores three different ways of representing folk expressions in diplomatic discourse, as well as the reasons for and effectiveness of such representation. It has been found that the different ways of representation do not affect the faithfulness and completeness in conveying China’s attitude.

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    The Journey of a Text and Its Regression and Rebirth: The Nature and Value of the Back-Translation of Four Generations in One House
    LI Meizhu, HU Anjiang
    2023, 23 (3):  83-89.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.010
    Abstract ( 456 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (1170KB) ( 127 )  

    With the discovery of Ida Pruitt’s English version, back-translation of Four Generations in One House has become a hot issue. In fact, its fake original and fake targets have gone through deformation and reduction respectively. The study points out that the purpose of back-translation determines its nature of reductionism, taking the author as the center and the original text as the ontology. Under the rule of seeking equivalence, translator’s subjectivity is faced with restrictions. However, the result is by no means the resurrection of the original base, but the original reborn with the translator’s interpretation in the new spatio-temporal context. It is for this reason that the special phenomenon embodies essential characteristics of anti-postmodern translation studies. Meanwhile, the appreciation, revival, and feedback of culture have been accomplished during the process of seeking original base through fake targets, with the help of fake original.

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    A Study on the Construction of China’s Image by German Senior Middle School Students
    HONG Gang, WU Weidong, CHENG Jing, XIAN Peixin
    2023, 23 (3):  90-102.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.011
    Abstract ( 357 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF (2238KB) ( 161 )  

    Based on Boulding’s theoretical framework of image theory and information collected through a questionnaire, this paper explores German high school students’image of China, including what the image is like, how the image is constructed and what role school education plays in the construction of this image. Results show that German high school students have clear geographic, physical and psychological images of China. The main factors that influence their construction of China’s image are first and foremost formal school education and then mass media. Other factors are rarely mentioned by students in the survey. The results also show that German high school students have mismatched image of China due to historical and psychological reasons. We believe that in the construction of China’s image, particularly among young people in other countries, attention should be focused on formal school education, especially course material development and classroom teaching. In addition, more approaches should be taken in order to present a true, multidimensional and panoramic view of China to the world. Relevant suggestions were presented at the end of the article.

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    “Proximization” as a Positive Discourse Strategy:A Case Study of Zhu Ziqing’s Essay “Spring”
    LUO Xuanmin, CAO Yunzhi
    2023, 23 (3):  103-113.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.012
    Abstract ( 500 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (1704KB) ( 179 )  

    “Proximization”, as a new perspective of discourse analysis, is widely used in Critical Discourse Analysis. Its assumption is that discourse producer usually depicts the Outside Deictic Center (ODC) as a dangerous entity gradually moving closer to the Inside Deictic Center (IDC), and persuades IDC to take actions against impending ODC to legalize their illegal actions. Thus, proximization is assigned a negative coloring. However, in this research it is found that “proximization” can be used as a positive discourse strategy for Positive Discourse Analysis. ODC is not always negative or dangerous,but sometimes it is friendly and beneficial to IDC. This research takes the prose “Spring” (by Zhu Ziqing) as an example, from the perspective of spatial proximization, temporal proximization and axiological proximization, to have made positive discourse analysis of the prose “Spring”. It has been found that the relationship between ODC and IDC in the prose “Spring” is not hostile but harmonious. ODC transfers positive power to IDC, IDC warmly embracing ODC. It is evident that proximization in the prose “Spring” is a positive discourse strategy.

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    Can a Verb Function as an Attributive Modifier?
    WU Tong
    2023, 23 (3):  114-121.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.013
    Abstract ( 296 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (1157KB) ( 212 )  

    This article discusses and challenges Deng Dun’s view that verbs cannot be used as adjectives. Based on this, it is proposed that humans have the need to express things that are influenced by passive actions or people and animals with certain behaviors, and this expressive need is realized (or projected) in language. Much of this is accomplished through words or structures that describe actions or behaviors to modify and restrict things and people, which is a common principle in human language expression. As for which method to use for expression, different languages use different means of expression (with different parameters), and in Chinese, the expression task is accomplished by using verbs as adjectives to modify nouns.

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    The Key Issues on the Implementation of English Language Education Policy
    ZHANG Weilei, ZOU Bin
    2023, 23 (3):  122-130.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.014
    Abstract ( 394 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 284 )  

    Based on the framework of language education policy by Kaplan & Baldauf, this paper discusses the major issues in the implementation of English language education in China as follows: self-isolation, discontinuity, and overlap of English education in different phases; insufficient and uneven distribution of English education resources; inadequate implementation of the policy; shortfall in the quantity and quality of teachers. On this basis, some countermeasures have been put forward: build a coherent, articulated and sustainable English education system; implement policies and increase investment in English education resources from three levels; further clarify the goals of foreign language education to English teachers ; formulate policies to improve the quality of English teachers to ensure the sustainable development of teacher education.

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    On the Comprehension Mechanism of Pragmatic Fuzziness Based on an Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM)
    KANG Xiangying, OU Liping, LUO Yi
    2023, 23 (3):  131-140.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.015
    Abstract ( 197 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (1617KB) ( 103 )  

    The previous study of the comprehension mechanism of pragmatic fuzziness based on cognitive linguistics is limited to relevance theory, adaptation theory, and spatial compounding theory and tends to be carried out from the perspective of the speaker, which lacks novelty. This paper explores the mechanism from the perspective of the addressee and puts forward the theory of the idealized cognitive model (ICM), which has strong explanatory power for this mechanism. The reason is that each type of discourse communication in the same language community has a programmed ICM, which can produce a prototype effect and provide a simple and ideal cognitive framework for people to understand the world. After the addressee perceives the conflict between the utterance and the context, he focuses on the abnormal points of the utterance, restores the ideal conventional utterance ICM, and in the process of backtracking reasoning, compares it with the difference between the fuzzy utterance and completes the damaged optimal relevance, to find out the real intention of the speaker. This greatly reduces the retrieval scope of locating the speaker’s intention and reduces the difficulty of interpreting the speaker’s hidden intention. The research aims to improve people’s pragmatic competence and provide theoretical support for the formalization of pragmatic fuzzy discourse understanding.

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    On the Standards of Legal Translation Competence
    WANG Haiping
    2023, 23 (3):  141-148.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.016
    Abstract ( 252 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (1486KB) ( 210 )  

    Standards of legal translation competence should be constructed upon general scales of interpretation and translation competence of China’s Standards of English Language Ability and legal translation competence per se, which include not only standards of translation for general purposes, but also the standards of translation for legal purposes, including standards of terminology subcompetence, discourse subcompetence, etc. Research on standards of legal translation competence can contribute to the field of legal translation assessment, as well as play a guiding role in screening and training legal translation talents and help cultivate foreign-related legal talents.

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    The the Influence of Dynamic Assessment on Self-assessment of Chinese English Learners’ Translation Ability
    ZAHGN Xia
    2023, 23 (3):  149-158.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.03.017
    Abstract ( 208 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (1277KB) ( 168 )  

    Guided by the dynamic assessment theory and taking non-English majors as the research object, this study involved the translation scale of Chineses Standards of English Language Ability(CSE) in college English translation teaching. After tracking the changes of students’self-assessment and translation scores before and after the experiment, this experiment revealed the impact of dynamic assessment on learners’self-assessment. The experimental results shows that: (1) The self-assessment of the students in the experimental class is significantly improved, which indicates that the experimental teaching is conducive to the development of the students’self-assessment ability in translation. (2) The self-assessment of the students in the experimental class is positively correlated with their translation scores before and after the experiment, showing a linear relationship, indicating that this model not only promotes the development of students’self-assessment ability, but also affects the changes of students’translation scores. The research results show that the experimental teaching of dynamic assessment of translation is beneficial to students to establish a scientific view of translation quality and promote the development of their self-assessment ability. At the same time, self-assessment can influence the effect of dynamic assessment experimental teaching to a certain extent.

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