Journal of Diagnostics Concepts & Practice ›› 2017, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (02): 157-161.doi: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2017.02.007

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Detection of electrode position in deep brain stimulation therapy in patients with Parkinson′s disease: A retrospective analysis

WANG Tao, ZHANG Chencheng, SUN Bomin, LI Dianyou   

  1. Functional Neurosurgery, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Received:2017-04-05 Online:2017-04-25 Published:2017-04-25

Abstract: Objective: To assess the value of two methods for the verification of electrode position in deep brain sti-mulation (DBS) therapy of Parkinson′s disease (PD). Compare the accuracy of electrode position detection in images acquired by merging the short-term (within 1 week after the procedure) computed tomography (CT) with preoperative MRI and the long-term (1-12 month or more after the procedure) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods: The position of DBS electrode tip was detected under direct vision in fusion images of CT and preoperative 3.0T MRI images as well as in postoperative 1.5T MRI images only. Differences in the two methods were statistically analyzed. Results: Fifty-three fusion images and 14 MRI images showed no significant differences with regard to the position of electrode tips detected, the difference ranging from 0.42 mm to 0.89 mm. Conclusions: The fusion of preoperative MRI and postoperative CT image within 1 week is an effective and efficient approach for detection of DBS electrode position.

Key words: Parkinson′s disease, Deep brain stimulation, Magnetic resonance imaging, Computed tomography

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