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    2013年, 第13卷, 第12期 刊出日期:2013-12-15 上一期    下一期
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    Learning Mandarin in Later Life: Can Old Dogs Learn New Tricks?
    2013 (12):  5-14.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.002
    摘要 ( 395 )   PDF(2823KB) ( 84 )  
    This case study reports on a native English speaker's learning of Mandarin as a 13th language starting at the age of 67. The learner, after completing a 150-hour, 3-DVD course called Fluenz Mandarin, had 70 online sessions with a Chinese-language instructor from a Beijing-based University. The learning content focused mainly on pinyin, a Romanization system for the pronunciation of Standard Mandarin. The sessions contained real-life communication in Chinese based on Chinese sentences produced beforehand by the learner consistent with his life experiences and professional interests as an applied linguist. After the sessions, the instructor developed the sentences into formulated language and kept a detailed log with the learner's feedback as well. Meanwhile, the learner created electronic flashcards for words and phrases to review. The paper considers the impact of advanced age, hyperpolyglot status, and the use of a sophisticated language strategy repertoire on Mandarin learning. The paper reports on the learner's results as viewed from the vantage point of the learner and from that of his instructor as well, paying particular attention to vocabulary (e.g., the use of measure words and the overabundance of homonyms and near homonyms), grammar (e.g., word order), and pronunciation (e.g., the perception and production of the four tones).
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    Modality, Vocabulary Size and Question Type as Mediators of Listening Comprehension Skill
    2013 (12):  15-30.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.003
    摘要 ( 376 )   PDF(335KB) ( 119 )  
    Most studies that have investigated the relationship between lexical knowledge and listening performance have used vocabulary assessments administered in the visual modality (e.g., Mecartty, 2000). However, the outcomes of vocabulary tests might vary as a function of the modality in which they are carried out (e.g. Milton & Hopkins, 2005, 2007). Aural knowledge of words might be particularly important in listening, therefore using visually measured lexical knowledge as a predictor of listening performance could be problematic. To explore this issue, 51 English as a second language (L2) learners from a vocational training institute in Hong Kong aged between 18 and 19 were given two different versions of the X Lex vocabulary test: (1) the visual X Lex (Meara & Milton, 2003) and (2) the Aural Lex (Milton & Hopkins, 2005). The listening sub-test of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) was also administered to measure participants' listening performance. The results indicated that (1) participants scored higher in the X Lex than the Aural Lex; (2) the Aural Lex was a stronger predictor of listening performance than the X Lex; (3) participants' proficiency in aural vocabulary influenced performance on the listening test. These results suggest that visual measurements of lexical knowledge may not as accurately reflect the learners' aural knowledge of words and therefore, the modality in which (lexical) knowledge is assessed when estimating vocabulary as a predictor of other skills needs to be considered.
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    Toward a Theoretical Framework for Researching Second Language Production
    2013 (12):  31-45.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.004
    摘要 ( 259 )   PDF(957KB) ( 50 )  
    Various theories have been proposed to account for second language production and the systematic variation characteristic of such production. Most of these theories, however, constitute only partial explanations because they often fail to handle mixed empirical findings about factors held to affect second language output and underlie systematic variation. This paper proposes a new theoretical framework for posing and addressing research questions about second language production in general and systematic variation in particular. Building on influential cognitive models of second language learning and use, the theoretical framework comprises three cognitive dimensions, viz. knowledge representation, attentional focus, and processing automaticity, which interact with each other. The theoretical framework is justified by drawing on the cognitive literature and cumulative findings from second language acquisition (SLA) research. The paper also outlines possible applications of the framework to issues of interest to SLA researchers working on a number of different fronts.
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    Making a Commitment to Strategic-Reader Training
    2013 (12):  46-62.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.005
    摘要 ( 294 )   PDF(537KB) ( 44 )  
    Skilled readers by definition are strategic; they are able to use a repertoire of reading strategies, flexibly and in meaningful combinations, to achieve their reading comprehension goals. Thus, one of the aims of foreign and second language (L2) reading curricula should be to move students toward becoming more strategic readers. This curricular orientation can be best achieved when a strong commitment is made to strategic-reader training as a regular and consistent component of instruction across the curriculum. To explore this stance, we examine the reading strategies used by skilled readers, contrast teaching strategies with training strategic readers (i.e., strategic-reader training), and examine five strategic-reader training approaches from first language contexts that can be adapted by L2 professionals to enhance the reading instruction offered in their L2 classes. The five approaches targeted for exploration include Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, Reciprocal Teaching, Transactional Strategies Instruction, Questioning the Author, and Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction. Though distinct from one another, they all acknowledge the importance of explicit explanations about strategies (or reminders about the use of select strategies), teacher modeling, scaffolded tasks, active student engagement, student practice, classroom discussions of strategy use, and the gradual release of responsibility to students who eventually decide for themselves (and/or with peers) when, where, and why to use which strategies to achieve their comprehension goals. We conclude with a discussion of the challenges, and suggestions for overcoming them, that L2 teachers and students often face in making a commitment to strategic-reader training.
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    Language Learning Strategies Used by Asian Students in English-medium Universities
    2013 (12):  63-72.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.006
    摘要 ( 385 )   PDF(199KB) ( 39 )  
    An increasing number of Asian students pursue English medium tertiary education for better academic credentials. These students face daunting linguistic challenges in their struggle for academic survival and success. This article gives an overview of language learning strategy (LLS) research undertaken in two theoretical and methodological orientations, namely, psychometric survey studies using a strategy inventory and sociocultural, largely qualitative research that examines learners' strategy use in relation to contextual mediation. Under each category of research, the article reviews four studies on Asian students' strategy use in different research contexts including Britain, Canada, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand and United States. It also documents relevant critiques associated with these studies. Given the widely accepted importance of strategy use in language learning, it can be argued that research on Asian tertiary students' strategy use in English medium universities informs an institutional effort to support their pursuit of linguistic competence
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    Codeswitching in East Asian University EFL Classrooms: Reflecting Teachers' Voices
    2013 (12):  73-81.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.007
    摘要 ( 318 )   PDF(205KB) ( 95 )  
    During the 20th century, it was commonly assumed that the best way to teach English as a foreign language was through the exclusive use of English as the medium of instruction. Although recent publications have challenged this view, many educational policy-makers in schools and universities still tend to to insist on “English only”, and decry the practice of codeswitching between the target language and the first languages of learners and teachers. Findings from a recent volume of case studies clearly show that codeswitching is a common practice across a wide range of university EFL classrooms in Asian contexts. In many cases, this codeswitching may be regarded as a “flexible convergent approach”, where languages are switched more or less spontaneously and at random. Often, however, the teachers reported in Barnard and McLellan (2014) responsibly alternated between languages in a principled and systematic way. This paper presents and discusses observational data and extracts from interviews with teachers on the rationale for codeswitching. Thus codeswitching is both normal and can be pedagogically justifiable. The paper will then suggest how teachers can reflect in-, on- and for-action (Farrell, 2007) by systematically recording, listening to, and analysing their use of language(s) in their own classrooms, using a set of interactional categories (Bowers, 1980). Reflective practitioners may then develop collaborative action research projects (Burns, 1999, 2010) which could empower them to critique and challenge monolingual language-in-education policies.
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    Talk in the Second and Foreign Language Classroom: A Review of the Literature
    2013 (12):  82-93.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.008
    摘要 ( 311 )   PDF(242KB) ( 128 )  
    Classroom interaction has long been a rich site for scholarly research, as attested by the sizable body of literature surrounding classroom discourse. This paper reviews three frameworks currently informing studies of L2 and FL classroom talk, with a focus on qualitative analyses of turn-by-turn talk between teachers and students, and amongst students themselves. Findings from studies working within (1) language socialization and sociocultural theory, (2) critical discourse analysis, and (3) conversation analysis are explored, along with the ways in which these frameworks complement and complicate one another. Finally, we briefly consider possible areas of further research and implications for teacher training.
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    Metacognition Theory and Research in Second Language Listening and Reading: A Comparative Critical Review
    2013 (12):  94-110.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.009
    摘要 ( 352 )   PDF(300KB) ( 86 )  
    Listening and reading are two receptive skills in language learning and language use. Although their modalities differ, listening and reading share a number of cognitive processes required for language comprehension this has resulted in some commonalities in research emphases for the two skills. One such focus is the role of metacognition in self-regulated learning and comprehension performance. In this article theory postulated for metacognition and its manifestation in listening and reading are discussed. The article also reviews selected studies conducted in two important dimensions of metacognition, namely metacognitive knowledge and strategy use, and the impact that metacognitive instruction has on listening and reading comprehension performance. Results from the review for each skill are synthesised and compared in order to draw insights into the processes of learning to listen and read in another language. Based on this comparative review, the authors offer suggestions for enhancing process-based instructional practices in the language classroom and identify possible directions for future research into the role of metacognition in listening and reading specifically as well as second language comprehension as a whole.
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    Thinking Metacognitively about Metacognition in Second and Foreign Language Learning, Teaching, and Research: Toward a Dynamic Metacognitive Systems Perspective
    2013 (12):  111-121.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.010
    摘要 ( 285 )  
    Against a background where language learning/learner strategy (LLS) research was criticized, we would like to bring to the fore a key concept, metacognition, which has not been fully understood in the way that criticisms were levelled against LLS research. We argue that despite the justification for some points, such criticisms are not based on a complete understanding of the theoretical foundations of LLS research, nor on what metacognition entails, especially when these two constructs are related to both the cognitive and sociocultural domains of learning. Exactly because metacognition is undergirded by both cognitive and sociocultural underpinnings, it cannot be treated purely as a cognitive enterprise; instead, it should be conceptualized as a set of complex dynamic systems. We argue that some of the criticisms of LLS research are problematic because of the critics' limited understanding of LLS research. These critics have not pointed out close relationships between LLS research and metacognition. To disperse the confusion caused by such criticisms and to advance the field, we elaborate on a dynamic metacognitive systems perspective on second and foreign language learning, teaching and research. We maintain that thinking metacognitively about metacognition with dual or multiple perspectives is necessary. Doing so will enable us to see the contribution of the dynamic metacognitive systems perspective to enhancing our understanding of second and foreign learning, teaching, and research.
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    Notes on Contributors
    2013 (12):  122-123.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2013.12.011
    摘要 ( 210 )   PDF(80KB) ( 28 )  
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