Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 157-166.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.05.016
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LOU Baocui, ZHAO Dongyang. Stylistic Features of Six Full English Translations of Mencius: A Corpus-Based Multidimensional Analysis[J]. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 2023, 23(5): 157-166.
序号 | 译名 | 译者 | 国籍 | 出版社(出版年份) |
1 | The Works of Mencius | James Legge (詹姆斯·理雅各) | 英国 | New York: Dove Publications, Inc., 1970. |
2 | Mencius | D. C. Lau (刘殿爵) | 中国 | London: Penguin Books, 1970. |
3 | Mencius | David Hinton (大卫·辛顿) | 美国 | New York: Counterpoint, 1998. |
4 | Mencius | 赵甄陶等 | 中国 | 长沙:湖南人民出版社, 1999. |
5 | Mencius (Translations from the Asian Classics) | Irene Bloom (艾琳·布鲁姆) | 美国 | New York: Columbia University Press, |
6 | Meng Ke’s Social and Political Philosophy | 罗志野 | 中国 | 南京:东南大学出版社, |
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