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    28 September 2020, Volume 20 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On Huang Yuanshen’sAesthetic Ideas of Translation
    ZHU Xiaoying
    2020, 20 (5):  23-33.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.004
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (2080KB) ( 171 )  

    Huang Yuan shen is a well known scholar of foreign literary studies of our country, and he is an established translator of English literature as well. Among his translation of English literature in book forms, Jane Eyre, The Old Man and the Sea, and My Brilliant Career are the most popular ones, in which his versions of translation with faithful accuracy and controlled fluency have enthralled readers and critics to a great extent. Huang has followed the principles of translation and developed the aesthetic ideas about translation of his own. For him, translating a literary text involves not only the transformation of words, but also the transmission of styles and hidden meanings. Therefore, he proposes that a translator should delve into the text for the innermost of characters, as an actor usually does before he acts, so that he could translate the text creatively by keeping to the style of the original. To ensure the representation of the original artistic features in translation, he believes, a translator must read the original text closely to grasp its spirit, and then he could translate it into Chinese with accuracy and flexibility.

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    A Contrastive Study of Emotional Ratings for English Words Between Chinese EFL Learners and English Native Speakers: Based on the Embodied Cognition
    XIE Shiyu, NI Chuanbin
    2020, 20 (5):  34-48.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.005
    Abstract ( 522 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (5182KB) ( 497 )  

    To investigate the differences and similarities in emotional ratings for English words between Chinese EFL learners and English native speakers, this study conducts the emotional ratings for English words among 2000 non English majors in China by means of paper pencil method. And L2 database of emotional ratings of English words along valence, arousal and dominance dimensions is built. Based on the comparison of emotional ratings between Chinese EFL learners and English native speakers, this study finds that: (1) In terms of valence dimension, the ratings provided by Chinese EFL learners and those provided by English native speakers present positive correlations, but English native speakers rate a number of words as more pleasant or more unpleasant, while Chinese EFL learners rate as moderately pleasant or unpleasant. (2) The ratings of arousal also show that the ratings provided by Chinese EFL learners and those by English native speakers are positively correlated. But the former is generally higher than the latter. Specifically speaking, the ratings made by Chinese EFL learners present higher arousal while the ratings made by English native speakers present lower arousal. (3) The ratings of dominance also show a positive correlation between Chinese EFL learners and English native speakers, but no significant differences are found. All the findings suggest that English native speakers have stronger emotional experience than Chinese EFL learners when rating English words, which is in accord with the theory of low embodied cognition for unbalanced second language learners.

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    A Study on the Alignment Effect of Continuation and Rewriting
    WANG Zhexi
    2020, 20 (5):  49-59.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.006
    Abstract ( 451 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (2033KB) ( 339 )  

    The study compares the alignment effects of two reading writing integrated tasks, namely, continuing a story and rewriting the story from the perspective of a different character, by measuring the ratio of T units involving explicit use and implicit use of the source text in 24 participants’ written productions. The influence of interpersonal interaction in class is also studied through the comparison of their written productions before and after class. The thinking aloud method was used to collect introspective data about how they completed the tasks to give insight into the results from the quantitative analyses. The study found that T unit ratio of source text use was significantly higher in the rewriting productions than the continuation ones, in particular implicit use. The rewriting task is believed to encourage learners to interact more frequently with the source text and align with it at both the situational and the linguistic levels. On the other hand, interpersonal interactions were not found to enhance either task’s alignment effect. The ratio of implicit source text use was in fact lower in the rewriting group’s works after they attended class. Nevertheless, personal interactions in class proved to further promote leaners’ interaction with and deeper understanding of the source text.

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    Cognitive Metaphor Construction of Image Language—Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
    LIU Fang
    2020, 20 (5):  60-66.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.007
    Abstract ( 439 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1285KB) ( 179 )  

    Image is an important aesthetic category in Lyric literature, especially in the rhyme literature dominated by poetry. It is a unity of subjective “emotion” and “external objects”. In poetry, the ordinary language referring the external objects will become the image language, which no longer has the basic conceptual meaning of the simple daily language, but has the metaphorical and deep creative meaning. Conceptual Blending Theory is a theory to explore information integration and dynamic meaning construction. It takes psychological space as the basic unit and provides a new perspective of analysis on the construction and understanding of emergent meaning of the image language from the cognitive view. It is through a series of cognitive activities such as analogy, conceptual package and knowledge model that a poet integrates the frame information from two different space domains of “emotion” and “scenery”, “heart” and “object” through three interrelated stages of “composition”, “completion”, “elaboration”, so as to complete the cognitive construction of emergent meaning of the image language. Conceptual Blending Theory has a strong explanatory power not only for the construction and understanding of the daily discourse, but also for the construction and understanding of the image language of poetry.

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    The Multimodal Discourse Model in Stereoscopic Marketing Advertising
    CHEN Dongchun, CHEN Yanxia
    2020, 20 (5):  67-76.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.008
    Abstract ( 534 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (2916KB) ( 202 )  

    Stereoscopic marketing is a new business model online and offline, in which marketing salons are sponsored for advertising and brand promotion. Multimodal discourses are constructed when the the marketing anchors display and promote products on the live broadcast platform, making interaction with the offline customers. This study takes a famous brand marketing salon as a sample discourse and make statistical analysis about the contribution of multi modal resources involved in the marketing event. The multimodal discourse theory is referred to as a framework to explore the structure features in discourses with both target customers orientation and brand orientation. The model of the multimodal discourse in Stereoscopic Marketing Advertising is then formulated as an interpretation of the new stereoscopic marketing advertising as well as a guidance for enterprise marketing.

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    The Core Function and Application Prospects of the New Generation of Visualization Corpus Software #LancsBox
    WANG Liangjing, PAN Fan
    2020, 20 (5):  77-90.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.009
    Abstract ( 2491 )   HTML ( 78 )   PDF (9232KB) ( 679 )  

    With the development of corpus linguistics, researchers have more diversified needs for the functions of corpus software, which have not been fully supported by mainstream corpus softwares. The new generation visualization corpus software #LancsBox supports a wide range of languages and multiple forms of texts, possesses powerful retrieval and statistical functions, and allows smart searches and advanced filter based on word class. By expanding multi layered collocation network, its core module “GraphColl” breaks the limit of extracting collocation between word pairs and reveals complex collocation relationships between multiple words, which cannot be accessed by the traditional collocation approach. Given very limited existing studies using #LancsBox at home and abroad, this paper demonstrates its unique advantages and core functions with case studies. By reviewing relevant studies, this paper analyzes its application prospects in the fields of discourse analysis, lexical grammar research, and language acquisition

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    Translation Process Research from Interdisciplinary Perspectives: A Survey and Some Reflections
    ZHANG Siyong
    2020, 20 (5):  91-100.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.010
    Abstract ( 822 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (1638KB) ( 259 )  

    The interdisciplinariness of translation studies determines that the research on translation process need borrow the results and methods from other disciplines. Early TPR mainly focused on the description of translation experiences, procedures and steps, lacking in the rationality and science on the whole. The interdisciplinary TPR started with the beginning of modern translation studies, which has been developing fast. Some achievements have been made in China due to the introduction of other disciplines and the influence of the western research in this field. The paper makes a survey of the interdisciplinaryTPR from three interdisciplinary perspectives: linguistics, psychology, and document. On the basis of the findings from these three perspectives, some tentative reflections are put forward for the sake of current TPR in China. This survey is intended to give a bird’s eye view of TPR with interdisciplinary background from the perspective of comparative translation studies in hope of offering some inspirations for the current TPR in China.

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    Oral Summary Performance Based on the Corpus of Interpreting Competition and its Application to Language Evaluation
    SU Wei
    2020, 20 (5):  101-109.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.011
    Abstract ( 344 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1310KB) ( 310 )  

    Summaries have long been seen as a main measure for developing and testing listening competence. The present study proposed a set of post listening summary measures and applied them to summary performance by three groups of students (higher level group, medium level group, lower level group) in a nationwide interpreting competition. The results showed that while measures like fluency, connectives, primary propositions and secondary propositions can effectively differentiate three student groups, other measures like accuracy, mistranslation and narration structure are found to be less effective. Based on these findings, this article provided suggestions and guidelines for teaching and listening testing.

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    A Corpus based Study on the Explicitation of Logical Relations in Translated Academic Texts——A Case Study of the Translation of Handbook of Social Justice in Education
    SHANG Wenbo
    2020, 20 (5):  110-120.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2020.05.012
    Abstract ( 561 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (1597KB) ( 312 )  

    With the help of bilingual parallel corpus and reference corpora of Chinese original texts, the present paper investigates the features of explicitation of logical relations in academic English Chinese translations with the translation of Handbook of Social Justice in Education as a case study. The study shows that Chinese academic translations exhibit no obvious tendency of intra lingual logical explicitation, which can be attributed to the frequent use of westernized logical connectives to express logical relations. But translated academic texts do show strong tendency of inter lingual explicitation, which can be summarized as extra sentential, inter sentential and intra sentential types. Firstly, the appearance of extra sentential types can be attributed to the internal nature of translation process and translators’ employment of explicitation translation strategy. Secondly, the cause of inter sentential explicitation can be summed up as the difference of sentence length between English and Chinese, and translators’ segmentation of long sentences. Finally, the reason why intra sentential types show up frequently is that synthetic features of English differ greatly with analytical features of Chinese, with the former showing nominal advantages and the latter exhibiting verbal advantages.

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