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    28 August 2022, Volume 22 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Reiner Stach’s Biography of Kafka:“An Extended Look”
    ZENG Yanbing
    2022, 22 (4):  5-12.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.001
    Abstract ( 459 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (1615KB) ( 146 )  

    Reiner Stach, a biographer and German Kafka expert, has spent 18 years on completing the three-volume biography of Franz Kafka. It is the first Kafka biography published in Germany 75 years later after Kafka’s death. In this biography, a real Kafka in every area of his life is depicted in an inside and panoramic way. All the details including intuitive events can be attested in literature, and Stach also adds a lot of new biographical material. The art style and the quality of this biography are guaranteed by the joint efforts of a great writer, a distinguished biographer and several excellent translators.

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    On the Theoretical and Critical Perspectives of Transknowletology
    YUAN Limei
    2022, 22 (4):  13-21.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.002
    Abstract ( 495 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (1442KB) ( 423 )  

    Through the exploration of “Knowledge” in Transknowletology, this paper believes that the significance and value of translation activities of human being is the start point of Transknowletology. This newly-emerged theory further proposes specific criteria of translation criticism, emphasizing the uniqueness of local knowledge during translation process, the equal communication of both sides and the constructive influence on the target society. Such a critical perspective exhibits an overall consideration of human beings and will promote the integration of different research fields of previous translation studies.

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    Translation and Introduction of Knowledge on Virus Since Late Qing and Republican China: From the Perspective of Transknowletology
    MIAO Peng
    2022, 22 (4):  22-32.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.003
    Abstract ( 417 )   HTML ( 18 )   PDF (3314KB) ( 288 )  

    Transknowletology provides a new perspective for historical studies on the translation of disciplinary knowledge. The translation and introduction of Western medical knowledge in the late Qing Dynasty and Republican China typically reflect the relation between linguistic transformation, discourse formulation, and knowledge construction in knowledge translation. In the context of the translation of knowledge on "virus" during the said period and various texts from dictionaries, newspapers, periodicals, and books, this article reviews specific cases of linguistic transformation, examines discourse formulation at different stages, and outlines the process of knowledge construction. The translation and introduction of modern knowledge on "virus" could be viewed as a true representation of the production and re-production of Western medical knowledge in China, as well as China's medical modernization driven by the translation of such knowledge.

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    Exploring the Translation and Transmission of the Classical Chinese Literary Theories in the Western Anglophone World: A Survey Based on the Questionnaires Conducted in the UK, USA and Australia
    WANG Hongtao
    2022, 22 (4):  33-45.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.004
    Abstract ( 344 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (1707KB) ( 322 )  

    A comprehensive survey about the translation and transmission of the classical Chinese literary theories has been conducted among the target readers from 11 universities in the UK, USA and Australia in order to explore the reception of the classical Chinese literary theories in English translation in the Western Anglophone world. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the 251 questionnaires collected, this article firstly examines the target readers' awareness and recognition of the classical Chinese literary theories in English translation. Then it observes the target readers' views on the English translation strategies of the classical Chinese literary theories and their criticism of two parallel translations of “The Great Preface”, “Rhymeprose on Literature” and The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. It is hoped that the present empirical research on the reception of the classical Chinese literary theories in the Western Anglophone world might shed light on the reception studies of translated classical Chinese literary theories as well as the project of Chinese culture “going global” in future.

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    An Exploration of Audiovisual Translation in Video Games Based on Audience Response
    WANG Baorong, LIU Tao
    2022, 22 (4):  46-57.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.005
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML ( 42 )   PDF (2578KB) ( 438 )  

    Given that video games tend to attract a large foreign audience, it is crucial to properly represent the audiovisual text in the game and reproduce its original flavor through subtitling. The related study is of significance in the localization of video games and the study of audiovisual translation. This emerging audiovisual translation (AVT) study, however, is still largely under-researched in China with the existing studies often conducted with rather traditional methods. This case study of the trailer of the video game Black Myth: Wukong discusses the principles and strategies of gaming AVT based on foreign audiences' responses and the subtitler's reflections. It is argued that gaming AVT should not be confined to language transfer. Greater importance should be attached to achieving the overall multimodal effects and meeting the tempo-spatial specifications of subtitling to enhance the audience's immersive experience. Meanwhile, vulgar language in the game should be treated properly to represent the personality traits of game characters and foreignization be favored in treating culture-specific items so as to promote Chinese culture abroad.

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    Structure Interpreting Competence Research as a Famework of Multivariants
    CHEN Lang, SUN Zhongguang
    2022, 22 (4):  58-69.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.006
    Abstract ( 290 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1407KB) ( 182 )  

    As a language skill prominent in its comprehensiveness, researches on interpreting and interpreting education bear various dimensions. Under the scope of applied linguistics, interpreting competence is one of the core issues in learning and teaching interpreting. The composition of interpreting competence is complex with challenges in unified and standard testing as well as interpreter training, which are caused by the multiple factors such as learners’ language background, educational backdrop, social and cultural life setting and market needs of language services at different levels. Scholars vary in their standpoints and perspectives in probing into interpreting competence, namely, its components, scales and assessment. Based on the concept that interpreting competence is characterized by diversity in dimensions, this paper devotes to the literature of interpreting competence and intends to enable interpreting candidates, trainers, and teachers to fully recognize that the sub-competencies of interpreting competence on demands are culturally, linguistically, cognitively, and individually manifested while nourished by interdisciplinary knowledge. A framework of diversity built on deep theoretical exploration is provided in reference as a clearer contour of learning interpreting as a major, guiding candidates to nourish self-awareness of interpreting and supporting the intensive development of interpreting education.

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    Language Conversion and Knowledge Reconstruction in Latin Translation of Greek Literature
    YANG Lijuan
    2022, 22 (4):  70-76.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.007
    Abstract ( 391 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1115KB) ( 191 )  

    The translation of Greek literature by Roman Latin translators is unique in the history of western translation. In the face of the long and prosperous Greek literature, the Latin translator inevitably inherited and absorbed its original story structure, narrative mode and literary character, which laid a solid foundation for the development of the whole Roman literature. At the same time, however, many Latin translators deviated from the original works almost at will, and reconstructed the thoughts and artistic style of Greek literature by means of changing literary details and adjusting the style of writing, which resulted in the creation of excellent texts comparable to the original works. This reconstruction forged their own literary taste and spiritual temperament, making important contributions to the enrichment and perfection of the Roman knowledge and cultural system. Overall, the Latin translation of Greek literature is an epic feat.

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    Development of a Translation Horizon Assessment Model for Classical Chinese Poetry
    LVU Hui, CHEN Daliang
    2022, 22 (4):  77-86.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.008
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    Classical Chinese poetry focuses on poetic flavor and ideorealm. Translation Horizon theory provides evaluation parameters and surpassing mechanism for poetry translation and its quality assessment. Based on the theory, this article takes “Jingjie” (horizon) as the criterion of translation quality and proposes a quality assessment model for the English translation of classical Chinese poetry, specifying the evaluation parameters at all levels and the evaluation steps. The model is then validated by taking three English versions of Wang Wei’s NiaoMingJian as an example. It is found that: the “Jingjie” (horizon) as the criterion for judging English translation of classical Chinese poetry reveals the literariness of the translation more systematically and comprehensively, the evaluation parameters in the model are practicable, and the surpassing mechanism also overcomes the impressionistic judgements and the drawbacks of traditional evaluation model to a certain extent, which provides a new approach for the translation criticism of English translation of classical Chinese poetry.

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    An Empirical Study on Promoting Effective Mental Processing in Consecutive Interpreting
    ZHONG Lijia, GUO Cong
    2022, 22 (4):  87-97.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.009
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    Referring to the scaffolding training task chains which facilitate the evolution of psychological schema and basing the theory on the cognitive psychology rationale of interpretation teaching, this study did a quasi-experiment combined with instructional practice. In the experimental class, the instructor carried out a scaffolding training program with saw-tooth pattern of support based on defining the complexities of simulated interpreting task classes. The control class were trained according to the traditional subject-based simulated task. Feedback from questionnaires and interpretation tests showed that the scaffolding training task chains created more germane cognitive load, stimulated learners to invest more meaningful learning time, and significantly improved learning engagement. This study indicated that scaffolding training task chains based on the simplifying conditions can promote effective mental processing in consecutive interpreting.

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    Neural Network Models in Natural Language Processing
    FENG Zhiwei, DING Xiaomei
    2022, 22 (4):  98-110.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.010
    Abstract ( 692 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (2480KB) ( 312 )  

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a new interdisciplinary subject to study and process the natural language by computer. In recent years, NLP has developed very rapidly and it attracted great attention from the linguistic community. This paper discusses four types of neural network model in natural language processing: Feed-forward Neural Network model (FNN), Convolutional Neural Network model (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network model (RNN), and Pre-Training model (PT), including the basic principle, structure, algorithm, and mechanism of the model, highlights their application in NLP. The paper points out that although the neural network models have become the mainstream of NLP, but these models still lack interpretability and need to be supported by rule-based language models and statistics-based language models in the futur.

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    Investigating Legitimization in Political Discourse from the Perspective of CMA:An Analysis of the US Governmental Discourse on China-US Trade Talks
    WU Jianguo, XIE Sisi, LI Jing
    2022, 22 (4):  111-122.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.011
    Abstract ( 546 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF (1723KB) ( 289 )  

    Critical Metaphor Analysis integrates Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Critical Discourse Analysis, and pragmatics, and thereby connects discourse and society seamlessly through conceptual metaphor, which is one of the effective ways to analyze political discourse. This paper takes 31 Sino-US trade texts on the US government websites as data, and analyzes the legitimization of the US policy toward China from the perspective of Critical Metaphor Analysis. It is shown that the US government,through fabricating a political myth, constructs China as a BULLY, while the United States as a VICTIM, and Trump is constructed as a FIGHTER. This metaphorical system replaces complex political facts and becomes a way for Americans to understand the Sino-US trade war. It is hoped that this study may, through refining the Critical Metaphor Analysis method, enrich the legitimization research approach, and provide useful references for the construction of China’s foreign discourse system.

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    A Review of 20-Year Corpus-based Research on Oral English Teaching in China from 2002 to 2021
    ZHOU Weijing, WANG Suwan
    2022, 22 (4):  123-132.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.012
    Abstract ( 681 )   HTML ( 37 )   PDF (1871KB) ( 451 )  

    The present study explored the progress and inadequacy of corpus-based research on oral English teaching in China based on all the relevant key journal papers issued on CNKI from 2002 to 2021. The results of data analysis are as follows: (1) In terms of the overall tendency, this type of research started in 2003, developed rapidly into its heyday from 2007 to 2011 before it declined gradually. (2) In terms of its subjects, college students were the overwhelming majority, while high school students were sporadically involved, and primary and vocational school students were largely missed out. (3) In terms of research methods, empirical quantitative research was dominant, lacking the introduction to English Lingua Franca Corpus and the integration of cognitive processing technology. (4) In terms of research content, the non-empirical studies focused on the introduction, construction, application, review, and reflections of the oral corpus home and abroad, while the empirical studies largely focused on the vocabulary, collocation, and grammar of the transcriptions of oral speech, but hugely neglected the essential features of spoken speech, such as pronunciation, intonation and continuous speech, as well as the processing mechanism of spoken English produced or perceived by Chinese EFL learners.

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    Pinpointing Analytic Rating Criteria for EFL Writing Assessment from Raters’ Perspectives
    ZOU Shaoyan, FAN Jingsong
    2022, 22 (4):  133-143.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.013
    Abstract ( 295 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1323KB) ( 251 )  

    In recent years, the rating criteria adopted in large-scale EFL writing assessments have received increasing research attention due to the widespread consensus that rating criteria represent the de-facto test construct of writing assessment. As such, this study was conducted to pinpoint the most useful rating criteria for the writing components of College English Test Band Four (CET-4 writing). Relying on a Mixed-methods approach, the study investigated how CET-4 raters would perceive the usefulness of a set of rating criteria elicited on the basis of atheoretical and literature review. The results showed that all the rating criteria were perceived to be useful except for one criterion —task fulfillment. Given that the remaining criteria were relevant to the construct components of CET-4 writing, we could have confidence in their representativenss of the construct validity of CET-4 writing. Meanwhile, the study also found that the proficiency levels of CET-4 writing performance could significantly impact raters’ perception of the usefulness of the rating criteria. This, to some extent, could pose challenge to the validity of the holistic scoring approach adopted by CET-4 writing. In conclusion, this study can provide some theoretical and methodological implications for future research indelineating the construct components of large-scale EFL assessments, as well as examining the validity of the existing rating scales adopted by large-scale EFL assessments.

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    Multimodal Discourse Analysis: A New Paradigm of Teacher Discourse Research
    YANG Yi, CHEN Changlai
    2022, 22 (4):  144-153.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.014
    Abstract ( 903 )   HTML ( 17 )   PDF (1492KB) ( 350 )  

    Multimodal discourse analysis should become a new paradigm of teacher discourse research. It is an cross-disciplinary study of linguistics, pedagogy and computer science, which aims to analyze the process of how teachers make a mixed use of different symbol resources to achieve teaching objectives and the interaction mechanism between different symbol resources. The core of the research route is to determine the annotation scheme and form the analytical framework. In this multimodal discourse analysis, the Elan labeling scheme is formed from the starting point of “establishing research perspective” in tieto-truth modeling. Based on this scheme, the raw corpus is processed and annotated and a multi-modal teacher corpus is built. Then a structural frame of reference is constructed based on the relationship between the two sets of modes, namely “intensification - non-intensification” and “complementation-non-complementation”, on which forming a “ framework for modal interaction analysis of teacher discourse” is based. This framework is used as a tool of multi-modal analysis of teacher discourse. With the help of this new paradigm, the multi-modal corpus of famous foreign language teachers can be constructed to highlight the special attributes of famous teachers, so as to promote the formation of multidimensional teaching evaluation ideas, and contribute to the creation of “golden lessons” in a comprehensive and precise way.

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    On the Multiple Perspectives of the Relational Study of Chinese and Foreign Literatures
    LIANG Dandan
    2022, 22 (4):  154-160.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.04.015
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    The relational study of Chinese and foreign literatures is one of the basic domains of comparative studies. The previous theoretical reflections on the relational study in question mainly focus on either the issues of methodology or highlighting a single perspective while neglecting the complexity of the domain which commands a prism of multiple perspectives. The present study hence proposes three varied yet interconnected perspectives, namely, the perspective of metacommentary, the perspective of fusion of different cultural horizons, and the perspective of the totality of the world. That is to say, the relational study in question should be viewed from the vantage point of the above three interconnected yet ever-expanding concentric circles, i.e., from micro to macro. It argues that further explorations of those three perspectives can provide more profound and systemic examinations in this field which would in turn facilitate the integration of different research perspectives and approaches.

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