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    28 April 2022, Volume 22 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    National Consciousness Discourse in Foreign Language Education
    YANG Feng
    2022, 22 (2):  1-2. 
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    Pursuit of Excellence in Ordinariness: College Teacher's Responsibilities in the Construction of the Discipline of Foreign Languages
    XU Jun
    2022, 22 (2):  5-8.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.001
    Abstract ( 309 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 222 )  

    At present, China places great emphasis on cultivating talents of foreign languages, which presents an enormous opportunity for the construction of the discipline of foreign languages. Both the cultivation of foreign language talents and the construction of the discipline require active and extensive participation of college teachers. It is suggested that we should have the following qualifications or pursue the following goals: (1) a clear positioning; (2) true love for your work; (3) long-term accumulation; (4) an exploratory spirit; (5) a keen awareness for exchange and communication; (6) a spirit to serve society and country; (7) broad-mindedness in your personality.

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    The “New” and “Old” in Foreign Literatures: Reflections on the Waves of the New Humanities
    YIN Qiping
    2022, 22 (2):  13-22.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.002
    Abstract ( 420 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (1684KB) ( 197 )  

    What are the implications of “the new humanities”? How should we evaluate novelty? What is implied by the word “cross” when we talk about “the new humanities”, which emphasizes crossing various boundaries of academic disciplines. In what way can “crossovers” be materialized? Invaluable inspirations can be drawn if we approach the origin and trend of “the new humanities” by inquiring into the above-mentioned questions. A clear line of history, which will help us reflect on the waves of “the new humanities”, can be traced from the consensus among the 18th century British literati through “the two cultures” to Terry Eagleton’s incisive judgment regarding the “new” and “old”. If we perceive the shoals and reefs hidden in the naming of “the new humanities”, we can perhaps reach a consensus, namely the recognition of pleasure as the way to “cross”.

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    Rethinking Methodology in Theory of Literature and Art
    ZENG Jun
    2022, 22 (2):  23-27. 
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    Toward Openness, Frontier, Innovation, and Truth
    LI Wei
    2022, 22 (2):  28-29. 
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    On the Relation between Translation and Knowledge Creation
    HE Yunfeng
    2022, 22 (2):  30-33.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.003
    Abstract ( 400 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (630KB) ( 245 )  

    The standards and functions of translation are determined by such factors as the integrity of knowledge, truth seeking and logic preciseness. Translation can accelerate the process of knowledge creation, and it itself embraces the element of knowledge creation. In order to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the mutual reference of cultures, translation first needs to reconstruct knowledge through some creative means. Second, translation needs to transform the way of thinking. Third, translation needs to expand the scope of local culture to pursue the global understanding and acceptance of local knowledge. The immense value of translation lies in its embodied power which can boost the creation of knowledge.

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    On Theoretical and Methodological Value of Epistemic Translation Studies
    LAN Hongjun
    2022, 22 (2):  34-45.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.004
    Abstract ( 596 )   HTML ( 20 )   PDF (1600KB) ( 623 )  

    As a theory, Epistemic Translation Studies, by viewing translation as an act of knowledge, forms a revolution of the ontological theories of translation of the past, which are supposed to trigger thoughts about the relationship between translation and the spiritual existence of human beings. The locality, historicity and mobility of knowledge determine that knowledge can not be possible without translation, and knowledge translation and translated knowledge are the two major objects of epistemic translation studies. The diversity of truth value, of knowledge transmission contextuality and of knowledge form and category constitutes the specific problems of epistemic translation studies. As a methodology, Epistemic Translation Studies has its unique value in understanding translation phenomena and solving translation problems. It is the goal and task of Epistemic Translation Studies to study the role of translation in the history of knowledge, and to reveal the obscured value of translation in human knowledge growth.

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    Meta-reflection on Translation Studies of Knowledge Chen Daliang School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University
    CHEN Daliang
    2022, 22 (2):  45-57.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.005
    Abstract ( 565 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (1703KB) ( 555 )  

    Knowledge is intrinsically present in translation practice, but has long been absent in translation studies. The new concept of Translation Studies of Knowledge fills a research gap in this field in which translation knowledge is established as an independent object of investigation. Meta-reflection concerning the new field of study is made on its position in the translation system, theoretical basis, research methods, and its disciplinary nature. All endeavors are intended to justify its legitimacy for the emerging field and secure a reliable foundation for its further development. Knowledge is a core element in a network of relations which lies at the pivotal position in the translation system. Translation Studies of Knowledge explores the relation between knowledge and translation, taking translator knowledge, theoretical knowledge, knowledge-based translation process, knowledge assessment in translation criticism, the history of translation knowledge, and so on, as its objects of study. It is built on Theory of Knowledge of Philosophy, Sociology of Knowledge, Cognitive Science, and Knowledge Studies, meanwhile keeps its autonomy potentially as an independent discipline. It classifies knowledge of all kinds into scientific knowledge, social knowledge and human knowledge, which correspond with three text types respectively, influencing or determining respective research methods and nature of translation theory. The discipline as such is characterized by a combined nature of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. The emerging discipline can effectively connect so-called sub-branches of various kinds with each other, and hence can be called General Translation Studies, parallel to Speical Translation Studies and Theoretical Translation Studies.

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    Epistemological Aspect of Translation Studies and Modes of Knowledge Transfer
    ZHANG Shengxiang
    2022, 22 (2):  58-68.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.006
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML ( 16 )   PDF (1508KB) ( 547 )  

    Knowledge, as the embodied existence of culture, acts as a mediator and the substance of thought lying between culture and language. Essentially, translation is the process of managing, transferring and transforming knowledge among languages and cultures. Scholars in translation studies have devoted themselves to exploring multiple paths, starting from ontological, axiological and methodological perspectives, trying to reveal the origin of translation and to provide a multi-dimensional and multi-directional representation of translation phenomena and issues, but seemingly failing to clarify and explain its essence in terms of epistemology. Starting from the epistemological or cognitive standpoint, clarifying the concept of translation and approaching the essence of translation activities is a feasible path to construct knowledge translation studies or transknowletology. Based on the three key phases, respectively information, knowledge and wisdom in the knowledge hierarchy, we can simplify the knowledge transfer in the field of translation into three modes of reproducing, modifying and creating, and improve and refine the strategies of translation proposed by Lawrence Venuti in 1998, which can not only converge translation researches, but also provide a reliable guidance for specific translation practices.

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    Cultivating National Consciousness in Foreign Language Education
    WANG Junju, WEI Luhong
    2022, 22 (2):  68-75.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.007
    Abstract ( 442 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 327 )  

    Against the background of the world’s profound shifts unseen in a century, cultivating national consciousness is of great importance in foreign language education. This paper explores the essence of national consciousness, and discusses the basic principles, targeted objectives and routes of implementation for the cultivation of national consciousness in foreign language education. It points out that China’s stance, global vision, whole-process integration, and all-round growth are the basic principles to follow and that enhanced national backbone and confidence, established image of China, promoted cultural exchanges, and strengthened global governance are the major objectives to achieve. To realize this, it is necessary to upgrade the educational goals, make it part of curriculum objectives, integrate it into teaching practice, and amplify the teaching materials.

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    Driven by State Outlook in the History and Prospective of Foreign Language Education
    SONG Lijue
    2022, 22 (2):  76-82.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.008
    Abstract ( 361 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (1223KB) ( 187 )  

    The connotation of foreign language education is driven by the outlook of State on a foreign language, culture, and thinking. The study clarifies the relationship between the public consciousness of State Outlook and the development of foreign language education by looking back and ahead. Along with the bud and formation of State View in modern China, foreign language education experienced the initial period of its development in the late Qing Dynasty, and the upsurge of studying abroad during the Republic of China. The study also revisits the evolution of foreign language education at the dawn of the new China and examines its subsequent growth following the reform and opening up. Nowadays, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated shifts in the international landscape. Therefore, the reconstruction of foreign language education is needed, aiming to cultivate young talents with a global mindset, a worldview, and a legitimate understanding of international rules, thus enabling them to take part in global affairs in various fields. The study seeks to identify the viability of international law discourse as a component of foreign language teaching and learning based on an interpretation of the connection among global perspectives, international rules, and international law.

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    Cognitive Linguistics and Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics May Be a Pilot Science Again
    WANG Yin
    2022, 22 (2):  83-92.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.009
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    Structuralist Linguistics established by Saussure was once extremely popular, which influenced many other disciplines, but several decades later, its glorious times have passed. From the view point of philosophy linguistics relies on, after its three turns, Western philosophy has been directed to the fourth turn: postmodernism, under whose influence, literature and translatology have soon advanced to this academic frontier, but linguistics still has been controlled by idealism and objectivist philosophy advocated by Saussure and Chomsky, thus making it backward far behind the former two disciplines in theoretical perspective. Owing to the uprising and development of Cognitive Linguistics and Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics, this situation has changed to a certain degree. With their popularity and penetration,linguistics may be expected to become a pilot science again.

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    Organic Linguistics and Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics from the Perspective of the Second Enlightenment
    WANG Zhihe, ZHANG Xuetao, ZHANG Guidan
    2022, 22 (2):  93-104.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.010
    Abstract ( 353 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (1681KB) ( 219 )  

    This paper proposes a new concept of organic linguistics from the perspective of the Second Enlightenment. Based on an organic world view, organic linguistics stresses that language should be understood as a dynamic and organic whole. Organic linguistics views language as a relational being. In this sense, organic linguistics can also be regarded as an ecological linguistics. Moreover, the ecological implications of language can play role in overcoming anthropocentrism and serving ecological civilization. This paper goes on to argue that the embodied-cognitive linguistics proposed by Chinese Professor Yin Wang is not only a new development in linguistics, but also a form of organic linguistics. The theoretical innovation of embodied-cognitive linguistics reflects not only an emphasis on the relationship between experience and language, but also an emphasis an organic holistic thinking. This kind of organic linguistics can make a special contribution to the fields of Chinese language theory and foreign language theory in China by overcoming the current (and embarrassing) isolation between these two fields, thereby developing a theory of linguistics with Chinese characteristics for ecological civilization that integrates the strengths of both Chinese and Western language theory.

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    The Formation and Constraints of Compound Aspects of Adjectival Predicate Construction from the Perspective of Embodied Cognitive Reference Point
    LIU Chendan, CHEN Xiaoyan
    2022, 22 (2):  105-116.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.011
    Abstract ( 284 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1674KB) ( 265 )  

    Adjectival predicate construction in Mandarin Chinese has been the focus among linguistic scholars, but the formation and constraints of compound aspects of the construction need further explorations. It remains undecided why the typical markers “le”“zhe” and “guo” show different degrees of combination with atypical aspectual markers “qilai”“xialai” and “xiaqu”. The theory of embodied cognitive reference point in embodied cognitive linguistics established by Wang Yin can contribute to the settlement of the problem. The inherent advantage of embodied cognitive linguistics lies in the basis of its core principles: interactive embodiment and cognitive processing, which results in low costs in experiential and theoretical operation. In this way, a sound and unified explanation for the formation and constraints of compound aspects in adjectival predication construction can be directly and clearly perceived.

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    “Ferry Language”:An Interlanguage Corresponded Language Analysis Model for Second Language Teachers
    HU Yiming, HU Fanzhu
    2022, 22 (2):  117-130.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.012
    Abstract ( 533 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1995KB) ( 208 )  

    Teaching and learning is a process in which learners and teachers interact with each other. During this process, the language used by L2 learners has been defined as “interlanguage”. Nevertheless, how to define the language used by L2 teachers? To this issue, there is a ready terminology in ideological resources of Chinese, that is “Jie Yin”. “Jie Yin” contains the meaning of “meeting” and “guidance” in Chinese. Meeting and guidance are not only an innate metaphor of the relationship between L2 teaching and L2 learning, but also a vivid portrayal of the process between L2 teaching and L2 learning. In this study, we use “ferry language” to indicate the language used by L2 teachers for meeting with and guiding interlanguage. With regards to L2 learners, ferry Language signifies learning resource which is a combination of medium resources, objective resources and affective resources. While with regards to L2 teachers, ferry language means accommodation and improvement for students. The accommodation of L2 teachers can be categorized into modality accommodation, code accommodation, audiovisuality accommodation, structure accommodation and culture accommodation. The improvement contains model improvement, expansibility improvement and motivation improvement. The evolution of ferry language implies a weaker accommodation degree but stronger improvement power. Using interlanguage is an inevitable process for L2 learners, whereas it is an active and conscious design for L2 teachers. It should be noted that interlanguage and ferry languageare mutually generative. Specifically, interlanguage develops when meeting with ferry language and being guided by ferry language. Additionally, ferry language evolves with the development of interlanguage. Therefore, the study of interlanguage can improve the meeting and guiding competence of ferry language, while the study of ferry language can also promote the advancement of interlanguage’s conversion velocity.

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    Translation and Publication of Leo Tolstoy's Novels in China
    YANG Li, ZHANG Yue
    2022, 22 (2):  130-138.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.013
    Abstract ( 809 )   HTML ( 24 )   PDF (1394KB) ( 301 )  

    Leo Tolstoy's novels were translated into China first in the late Qing Dynasty, their translation and introduction reached two peaks after the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911 and the May Fourth Movement in 1919, and by the end of the 1940s his major novels had been fully translated. After 1949 when the People's Republic of China was founded, the Chinese academic community was committed to large-scale retranslating and reprinting the writer's three classic novels, namely War and Peace, Anna Karenina and Resurrection. In the one hundred-plus years' translation and introduction of these works, a number of excellent translators have emerged. Tolstoy's well-earned status as a classic writer in China has been jointly established by these translators and publishing organizations.

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    Conceptions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji in Its Reception in the English-speaking World
    MENG Xiangde, MENG Xiangchun
    2022, 22 (2):  139-147.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.014
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    In its cross-cultural journey as a literary text, Fu Sheng Liu Ji, since its English translation by Lin Yutang, has been rendered into 14 Languages and adapted into Kunqu Opera bearing the same title performed with English or French captions, indicating its wide appreciative reception overseas. There are three major types of conception of Fu Sheng Liu Ji in the English-speaking world: translational, literary and extra-literary. The translational conception of the work can be evaluated on the basis of the work’s translation review, foreign-language publication and library collection, the most significant factors in gauging the reception of the translated work. In the macro context of Chinese culture “going global”, “thick translation”, which better serves Sino-logical purposes, has become a workable strategy. The literary conception of the work is revealed in arguments with regard to the work’s genre, modern feature, narrative structure, female roles, etc. The extra-literary conception of the work is centered on sexual identity, sexual space, emotional tradition, etc., which are fresh generative insights into the work. These conceptions combined present a fairly complete ecology of the work’s reception in the English-speaking world, and may also paradigmatically inform and inspire studies of the reception of Chinese literary works overseas.

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    An Incongruity Theory-based Approach to Interpreting and Translating Literary Humor: A Case Study of The Republic of Wine
    ZHOU Hongmin
    2022, 22 (2):  148-155.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.015
    Abstract ( 375 )   HTML ( 20 )   PDF (1270KB) ( 147 )  

    Humorous expression is one of the artistic means to achieve a unique style in literary works and its translation needs to be dealt with properly. However, up to now there remains much room for exploring further the nature of literary humor and its translation. Accordingly, this paper, starting with the theory of incongruity, attempts to explain the literary humor and its cognitive mechanism. Thereafter, samples of both Chinese and their English translation are taken from The Republic of Wine for a comparative study to illustrate whether the English translation can represent the humorous tone of the original. The study is intended to reveal the nature and cognitive mechanism of literary humor so that we are informed of a more insightful view on the translatability of literary humor.

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    The Desire for Discourse: Perspectives on Richthofen’s “Seidenst Rossen”
    DING Jianxin, ZHAO Yi
    2022, 22 (2):  156-160.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.016
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    Richthofen’s “Seidenst Rossen” constructs China as “the other” and his discourse is typical “Eurocentrism”. “Seidenst Rossen”, a historical symbol connecting the East and the West, has always been a bridge for cultural exchanges between China and the West. The Belt and Road Initiative, derived from the “Seidenst Rossen”, is a metaphor for “human community with a shared future” and involves many ultimate issues. The “Needham Question” ignores the differences between eastern and western scientific paradigms, which embody two completely different discourse paradigms. In that light, from the perspective of discourse and desire, the relevant issues between East and West as different discourse paradigms can be well interpreted. It looks at two divergent but complementary cultures from the perspectives of linguistic relativity and cultural diversity, and seeks for the psychological identity between “the one” and “the other”. Its purpose is to construct the discourse power of the East.

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