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    28 February 2022, Volume 22 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Defining and Classifying Translation in Transknowletology
    YANG Feng
    2022, 22 (1):  1-4. 
    Abstract ( 577 )   PDF (376KB) ( 617 )  
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    Language, Foreign Language Learning and Foreign Language Education Ecosystems
    SHU Dingfang
    2022, 22 (1):  5-6. 
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    Scholarship in and for the Era: A Modest Proposal
    ZHU Keyi
    2022, 22 (1):  7-8. 
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    Practice as the End
    DUAN Gang
    2022, 22 (1):  9-11. 
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    On Creative Academic Productivity
    HU Jian
    2022, 22 (1):  12-14. 
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    Ten International Issues Worth In-depth Study
    SUN Zhenhai
    2022, 22 (1):  15-17. 
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    National Consciousness and Development of Disciplines
    QU Weiguo
    2022, 22 (1):  18-26.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.001
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    The discussion of disciplinarity in terms of national consciousness should distinguish the general and the disciplinary needs of a country, respecting the shaping principles of disciplines. The present disciplinary system in China, which is an indispensable part of the all-round national strategic development, is constructed strictly in line with the disciplinary systems acknowledged worldwide. The disciplines a country has reflect its academic standard,and the academic contribution of a country is measured on the basis of the disciplines as well. The current discussions in the foreign language sector that overstress the importance of national consciousness at the expense of the integrity of disciplines have confounded the basic concepts of foreign language teaching and foreign language disciplinary education. This shows in a way that although foreign language disciplinary education has developed for 70 years, it has not securely established its disciplinary identity in the knowledge system.

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    National Consciousness in Foreign Language Education and the Interdisciplinary and Cross-boundary Integrated Development of the Discipline of Foreign Language and Literature
    WANG Yinquan
    2022, 22 (1):  27-46.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.002
    Abstract ( 620 )   HTML ( 17 )   PDF (3132KB) ( 294 )  

    With some major readjustments in the intension of disciplinaries and increased awareness of serving national strategies and social needs, the discipline of foreign language and literature (DFLL) has seen accelerated integration with other disciplines in recent years. Many emerging strategic opportunities such as the effort toward the new liberal arts, the establishment of interdisciplinary study as China’s 14th disciplinary category, and in particular, the establishment of area studies, originally one of the five major research fields of the DFLL, now as a primary discipline under the cross-disciplinary category, has raised fresh questions and posed new challenges to the development of the DFLL in the new era. These opportunities reveal the urgency and importance of the pushing back of disciplinary boundaries and the promotion of interdisciplinary research on the basis of a stronger DFLL per se. To this end, it is necessary to clarify, construct and highlight the following five dimensions in top-level strategic design regarding the DFLL: how to raise the national consciousness of those in the DFLL and their initiative to promote national foreign language capability and responsibility to respond to China’s economic and social needs; how to construct a knowledge system and a discourse system with Chinese characteristics; how to balance the knowledge of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, realize the renewal of knowledge structure, and open the interdisciplinary research in the era of the techno-humanities; how to achieve cross-boundary integration and advance area studies; how to highlight cultural exchanges between China and other countries and mutual learning between heterogeneous civilizations. In short, a sure path of the DFLL’s innovation of the epistemic and discourse system lies in its serving the country’s strategy and safeguarding national interests, communicating the rationale for China’s theory and practice of global governance to the global community with its strong capabilities in foreign language and culture and area studies hardly rivaled by other disciplines, building a discourse system with Chinese characteristics for external communication, and facilitating Sino-foreign people-to-people exchanges, mutual learning and dialogue between civilizations on an equal footing.

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    An Epistemological Interpretation of Translation
    LI Ruilin
    2022, 22 (1):  47-59.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.003
    Abstract ( 1133 )   HTML ( 41 )   PDF (1911KB) ( 564 )  

    Knowledge structuring is of prime importance to the internal building of any discipline in its own right and has a close bearing on its scholarly status of legitimacy and autonomy. Following this line of thought, the present article briefly re-examines the major problems with the conventional reductionist approaches to translation, including the marginalization of the central object, a lack of consilience in TS knowledge and the desirability of overall explanatory power, and for that matter, it attempts to identify a highly competitive bridge concept that is most likely to link together the linguistic, socio-cultural, cognitive, communicative and technological views of translation. To that end, it first incorporates TS into the interpretive space of epistemological analysis, then explores the potential relationship between the binary features of human cognition and translation per se, and consequently comes up with the ensuing set of claims: cognitive asymmetry serves as a necessary condition for the extensive engagement of translation in the ever-evolving world of humanity, knowledge (experiential and rational) as an end result of cognition plays a central role in any sphere of translational activity, and translation, in the ultimate analysis, is sustained by the notion of cross-linguistic knowledge transfer. The key notion taken into full account, a knowledge-centered ontological structure is mapped out to highlight translation as a core mechanism for the cross-linguistic reproduction and circulation of all forms of knowledge, which is assumed to make recourse to both re-conceptualization and re-contextualization processes in real-world scenarios of intercultural communication. The newly proposed minimalist framework of translation is expected to provide a viable point of access for generating a theoretically unified and practically relevant paradigm of Translation Studies.

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    Translation as Knowledge Production, Management, and Utilization: Towards Transknowletology
    QIN Jianghua
    2022, 22 (1):  60-71.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.004
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    Translation is understood as knowledge production, knowledge management, and knowledge utilization in this paper. First, we can reconceptualize the essence and value of translation from the perspective of knowledge production. When translation is redefined as knowledge transfer, discourse reconstruction, and value creation, there will be no linear relation between source text (ST) and target text (TT). The authority of the author and the ST is deconstructed, and the subjectivity and agency of the translator and the TT is affirmed; By re-examining the local and global nature of knowledge, we see translation as an important way for the local to go global, highlighting its universal aspect. Second, we can turn tacit knowledge into explicit one, or vice versa, and develop a set of tools for personal and/or organizational knowledge management, to improve language service and translation education, to better implement state translation programs, and to meet the challenges of knowledge management in a digitalized society. Third, we can accelerate the pace of change and bridge the “know-do gap” between theory and application, or knowledge and action, through knowledge utilization, by which we can also increase the interaction, exchange, and dialogue among different stakeholders and communities.

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    Transknowletology: the Translator’s Personal Knowledge and Knowing Modal
    PANG Xiucheng
    2022, 22 (1):  72-82.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.005
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    The cultural turn has strengthened the subjectivity of the translator so much as to randomly use it in research and practice. To direct the subjectivity into the scientific, objective and positive orbit, we need to create a new path, namely, transknowletology (or knowledge-oriented translation studies ), so that all basic issues are to be reconsidered, particularly with regard to the nature, target, text, criteria, process and subject-object relationship, etc. Thus, new domain of discussion will be opened. This approach resets its starting point and ushers the translator into a way of analyzing the text, with the attitude and spirit of seeking knowledge with the aim of obtaining the truth at three levels, namely, isness, possibleness and oughtness and taking the three as a progressive modal in translation.

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    A Critical Review of Foreign Language Textbooks Evaluation in China over the past three decades(1990-2020): Research Status and Future Directions
    JIA Fan
    2022, 22 (1):  83-92.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.006
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    This paper aims to discuss the development trend and future directions on the evaluation of foreign language textbooks over the recent 30 years from 1990 to 2020. It examined the research from key journal papers, monographs and dissertations by bibliometric method and content analysis. It is found that the evaluation of domestic foreign language textbooks presents three stages: (1) the critical review of foreign textbook evaluation framework; (2) the evaluation of textbooks based on foreign framework; (3) the innovation of local teaching materials. The research trend goes from static evaluation to dynamic evaluation, from theory abroad to localized theory, from subjective review to objective research. This study also puts forward the focus of the evaluation of foreign language textbooks in the new era, including strengthening the ideological and political elements in textbooks evaluation, focusing on the evaluation of the foreign language textbooks in universities, middle schools and primary schools as an integrity, enhancing the evaluation of multilingual teaching materials. This paper has some enlightenment on the evaluation, compilation, use and adaptation of foreign language teaching materials.

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    Views of Foreign Language Teaching Materials Based on National Awareness in the New Era
    WANG Jintan
    2022, 22 (1):  93-102.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.007
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    In the past forty years of reform and opening up, great achievements have been made in foreign language education in China, except for the building of views of teaching materials. In the new era, foreign language education attaches more importance to the cultivation of international talents. In this context, the building of views of teaching materials consists of several essential elements, including how to strengthen foreign language talents’ national awareness, how to develop the national discourse ability through teaching materials, and how to highlight the national awareness of foreign language teaching materials. Therefore, we put forward views of foreign language teaching materials based on national awareness, explain its connotations and characteristics from the perspective of national discourse ability, and discuss how the views contribute to the development of national discourse ability. It is believed that the views of teaching materials based on national awareness are embodied in three important dimensions: the explanatory power of national value, the construction power of national discourse and the transmission power of national culture. Finally, in light of views of foreign language teaching materials based on national awareness, this study provides some suggestions for constructing a high-quality teaching material system aiming at cultivating international innovative foreign language talents.

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    The Bottleneck of Linguistic Interface Study and Its Way out in the Context of New Liberal Arts
    ZHANG Yanfei, LIU Hongdong
    2022, 22 (1):  103-110.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.008
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    In the past two decades, linguistic interface study informed by pragmatics has made great progress, but, due to the theoretical controversies between the semantics-pragmatics interface view and the context-determined view, it has hit a bottleneck. This article proposes a new linguistic interface view in the context of New Liberal Arts, which provides a way out. By introducing materialist dialectics, the cross-disciplinary research between linguistics and philosophy undoes the view of “taking a part for the whole” in the Western thought and proposes that convention and context are the unity of opposites, based on which default meaning is divided into structural default, socio-cultural default and situational default, and their context-dependence degrees increase in turn. “Linguistics+Computational Science” and “Linguistics+Experimental Science” deploy Chinese facts to verify “Linguistics+Philosophy”, facilitating the localization of pragmatics incorporating Chinese elements.

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    Transitivity Process of Chinese-language Wild Animal Protection Slogans: From the Perspective of Ecological Discourse Analysis
    KUANG Fangtao, GUO Can, ZOU Xiujie
    2022, 22 (1):  111-121.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.009
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    As a significant mass medium, wild animal protection slogans play a crucial role in warning and guiding the public to protect wild animals. This paper analyzes the transitivity process in 176 Chinese-language wild animal protection slogans from the perspective of Ecological Discourse Analysis to reveal the characteristics of Chinese slogans of this kind and their transitivity process and to explore their social functions and underlying ecological consciousness through transitivity process. The results show that six transitivity processes are involved in these animal protection slogans, among which material process is used with the highest frequency, followed by relational process, psychological process and existential process, while behavioral process and verbal process are the least frequently used. The employment of transitivity processes achieves the slogans’ social functions of guidance, communication and warning, and meanwhile conveys to the public the consciousness of ecological holism.

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    On the Integration of Foreign Literature Studies and Country-and-area Studies in View of New Liberal Arts
    LV Hongling
    2022, 22 (1):  122-129.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.010
    Abstract ( 660 )   HTML ( 42 )   PDF (1263KB) ( 454 )  

    Since its incorporation into the discipline of foreign languages and literature, country-and-area studies has aroused more concerns in view of new liberal arts. It is worthwhile to consider such issues as how to adjust the relationship between foreign literature research and country-and-area studies, and what are the ways to promote the latter so as to further mutual development. Interdisciplinary research serves as the basis for their integration while each holds its respective research dimensions. As foreign literature research expands to international issues, it is necessary to maintain its original disciplinary principles. Through the relevant practice, it is argued that researchers, by a proper integration of foreign literature studies and country-and-area studies, can be better problem-oriented in their contribution to the development of new liberal arts.

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    On the Connotation and Elements of College Business English Teachers’ Contextualized PCK
    JIANG Xia, WANG Xuemei
    2022, 22 (1):  130-140.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.011
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    Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is the core field of teachers’ knowledge research and a key element in measuring teachers’ professionalism. Previous studies have shown that PCK is contextual in nature. Therefore, investigation on the connotation and elements of PCK should fully reflect the teaching context. However, little has been done to study business English teachers’ contextualized PCK. This study aims to fill this gap by examining the PCK of business English teachers in the context of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) through interviews, questionnaires and concept mapping. The findings indicate that business English teachers’ PCK includes the following elements: Knowledge of Contextualized Objectives, Knowledge of Teachers and Students, Knowledge of Instructional Strategies and Knowledge of the Integration of Content and Language. Significant or moderate positive correlation has been found among these elements which together constitute the concept of business English teachers’ contextualized PCnK. It is proposed that Business English teachers’ PCK is different from traditional language teachers’ PCK as their teaching context is interdisciplinary and compound in nature. This study reveals the characteristics of PCK elements of Business English teachers, and can help teachers construct or improve their own contextualized PCK and inform the transformation of novice teachers to expert ones.

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    An Epistemic Inquiry of Teacher Identity Construction through Content-questions in College English Teaching
    PENG Zhuo, AN Xiaocan, MA Liwei
    2022, 22 (1):  141-152.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.012
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    Questioning is a common type of discourse in English teaching, but few scholars have studied the issue of teacher identity construction by questioning in teaching. In the meanwhile, epistemics is a hot topic in Western conversation analysis, but few scholars in China have touched upon this issue. In light of this situation, this study, by means of conversation analysis, explores the types pragmatic realizationof and causes for teacher identity construction through content-questions in college English teaching from the perspective of epistemics. The study finds that teachers construct two types of identities (a real questioner and a pretending questioner while knowing the answer) by virtue of content-questions, that they construct these two identities by nine pragmatic strategies, and that they construct these identities because of the consistency or inconsistency between epistemic status and epistemic stance in the target knowledge of a content-question. This study helps to clarify the knowledge distribution of both parties in the content-question sequence in college English teaching, to reveal the causes for teachers’ interactive identities, and to inform the efficiency improvement of question-and-answer interaction in English teaching.

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    The Overall Approach to Studying Translator Groups:A Review of A Study on English Translators of Jiangsu Classic Literature
    FENG Quangong
    2022, 22 (1):  153-160.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.01.013
    Abstract ( 375 )   HTML ( 24 )   PDF (1396KB) ( 2014 )  

    Nowadays translator studies are greatly emphasized and a large number of relevant research achievements are produced. However, studies on translator groups are relatively few, which should be strengthened in the future. Xu Duo’s monograph A Study on English Translators of Jiangsu Classic Literature, as a typical achievement of studies on translator groups, investigates the translation views, cultural position, translation motives, translation selection and translation features of five translators of Jiangsu classic literature like David Hawkes, John Minford, Moss Roberts, Sidney Shapiro and Yang Xianyi. This paper discusses the overall approach on the study of translator groups mainly by analyzing and commenting on Xu Duo’s monograph, such as the selection of research object and methods, the progression of research blueprint, the realization of research conclusion and so on. It is suggested that emphasis be placed on the investigation of shared features of translator groups and the light shed by translator group studies on current translation practice.

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