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    28 February 2024, Volume 24 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A Few Words for Young Scholars
    YANG Feng
    2024, 24 (1):  1-2. 
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    A New Dream Cultivated in Eight Years' Hard Work
    HUANG Guowen
    2024, 24 (1):  7-29. 
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    Language Service Industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: The Status Quo, Problems and Solutions
    ZHONG Weihe, LI Xi
    2024, 24 (1):  30-39.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.001
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    This paper examines the status quo of the language service industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and identifies the key issues it faces, including a lack of strategic design, insufficient high-end language service resources, slow digitalization, and a lack of international perspective. To address these challenges and support the industry's healthy and sustainable development, this paper proposes specific measures, which include strengthening the strategic design of language services in the Greater Bay Area, cultivating high-end composite language service talents, promoting digital transformation within the industry, and expanding its international vision. By implementing these measures, the aim is to enhance the competitiveness and influence of the language service industry in the Greater Bay Area and contribute to its integrated development.

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    Wu Mi's Translation of Western Sinology and That in The Critical Review: A Case Study from the Perspective of Transknowletology
    JIANG Yun
    2024, 24 (1):  40-48.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.002
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    In the early 20th century, Chinese academia witnessed a widespread interest in sinology, and Wu Mi, along with The Critical Review under his editorship, contributed to the translation of related works. Transknowletology, which regards translation as an act of knowledge, offers valuable insights into this translation phenomenon. Wu Mi's long friendship with many sinologists gave him an advantage in his translation activities, allowing him to import that knowledge through various means such as education, translation and publishing. He believed that sinological knowledge provided a beneficial perspective, enabling Chinese intellectuals to re-evaluate their own traditions within a global context. In The Critical Review, two primary topics took precedence: the Western perspective on the Chinese language and the reception of Confucianism and Taoism in the West. Through articles written by Fenollosa and Homer H. Dubs,they were responding to the discussions over the Chinese language reform. While translating Adolf Reichwein's monograph in specific ways, the translators articulated their belief in Confucianism, striving to address the crisis it faced within the modern era. Initially, sinological knowledge comprised Western sinologists' descriptions and interpretations of China. Then they were transported into China via translation in a critical social and cultural transformation period, setting the stage for a global circulation of knowledge. In this case of “translation of knowledge”, the CR translators deliberately engaged in the process of adapting and transforming Western knowledge, aiming to intervene in modern Chinese knowledge construction and remould people's cultural values.

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    The Interpretation of Knowledge Reproduction in the English Translation of TOU-KUNG Series Terms in A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture
    TIAN Hua, LIU Yingchun
    2024, 24 (1):  49-58.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.003
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    The traditional Chinese architectural terms and the basic elements of traditional architectural knowledge, are critical to whether traditional Chinese architectural knowledge can be cross-culturally reproduced effectively or not. Transknowletology defines translation as cultural behavior and social practice of cross-language knowledge processing, reconstruction and retransmission. From the perspective of Transknowletology and based on descriptive method, this paper explores the adoption of translation strategies and its reasons for the traditional Chinese architectural terms by taking English translation of the TOU-KUNG series terms in A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture as examples to reveal the cross-culture reproduction pattern for transforming local traditional Chinese architectural knowledge into global knowledge. The research results indicate that the English translation strategies for TOU-KUNG series terms are as follows: transliteration as the dominating method, the construction of context, systematic expression and image-text interpretation. The analysis shows that the adoption of English translations strategies is influenced by the internal and external factors such as the historical background, the translation purpose, the translator's accomplishment and context. The paper has certain reference value to the globalization of local knowledge and the mutual learning of civilizations.

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    Exploring “Weiyu” from the Perspective of Transknowletology
    MA Mingrong
    2024, 24 (1):  59-68.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.004
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    As the core of Pan Guangdan's new humanistic thought, “weiyu” or “interactive equilibrium and harmony”, has inspired discussions in disciplines ranging from philosophy, sociology, education, culture studies to history studies. However, its unique significance in translation studies still remains as an under-examined issue. This current study aims at offering an interpretation of Pan Guangdan's “weiyu” in his footnotes to diverse term translations from the perspective of Transknowletology in his academic translated works. Three major features of how Pan Guangdan practiced his “weiyu” view in term translation are revealed, namely, the exploit of the “sameness” to offer a better solution for a particular term, the quotation of the “sameness” to share similar experience, the employment of the “difference” to enrich the connotations of terms. In light of these findings, it is concluded that “weiyu” embodies dual cultural implications for Transknowletology: one is the dynamic interaction between knowledge and culture, the other is the dialogical integration of self-cultural consciousness and knowledge transfer.

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    Analyzing the Linguistic Landscape in Ethnic Minority Areas from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics of Globalization:A Case in Daozhen Gelao and Miao Minority County
    WANG Huoyan, TONG Xiuwen
    2024, 24 (1):  69-80.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.05
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    Taking the linguistic landscape on Yinzhen Avenue in Daozhen Gelao and Miao Autonomous County of Guizhou province as a sample, this paper discusses the linguistic landscape in the urban center of ethnic minority areas with a focus on English use within the framework of the three core concepts of mobility, standardization and localization from the perspective of sociolinguistics of globalization. Through the statistical analysis of the language distribution proportions on the 240 collected linguistic signs, it is found that English is the second language after Chinese and has higher visibility and mobility than minority languages. Findings also show the low degree of standardization as well as the large proportion and high degree of localization in English use, which reflects the role of English in the linguistic landscape in presenting Chinese native culture and manifesting the Chinese people's cultural confidence and national identity, and discloses the low education level and the endangerment of ethnic minority languages. Such results have certain practical significance for knowing the language ecology in ethnic minority areas, and promoting the revision and implementation of national language planning and language policies.

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    Assumption of the Division between the Perceived World, Rationally-conceived World and Linguistically-encoded World from the Perspective of Embodied-cognitive Philosophy
    SHAO Junhang
    2024, 24 (1):  81-88.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.006
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    Cognitive linguistics holds that language is not the direct reflection of the external world, but rather undergoes cognitive processing by the human brain. Therefore, human knowledge can be divided into three distinct yet interrelated parts, namely the Perceived World, the Rationally-thought World, and the Linguistically-encoded World. The Perceived-World is composed of things that sensory organs can perceive, with characteristics such as hierarchy, plasticity, closeness, vividness, and unreality. The Rationally-thought World is composed of concepts, image schema, conceptual domains, etc. This world has the characteristics of being fussy in spatial and temporal concepts, highly abstract, three-dimensional, instrumental, and emergently evolved. The Linguistically-encoded World is the manifestation of the Rationally-thought World, consisting of word encoding, selection of encoding mode, figure-ground alignment, situational adaptation, etc., with symbolic and linear characteristics.

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    “Rule-based” or “Network-based” :State of the Art in the Neural Representation of Morphologically Complex Words
    LI Zuowen, WANG Yuling
    2024, 24 (1):  89-101.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.007
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    The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview on the state-of-the-art of the research on the neural mechanisms of morphological processing. The main debates regarding the neurocognition of morphology at the word level have revolved around the distinction between “rule-based” & “network-based” approaches. Whereas both of these model types come in several different flavours, the basic controversy between them pertains to the question of whether linguistic regularities are generated by rule-based knowledge or not. We summarize findings on inflected, derived and compound words, their interpretations with respect to current neurolinguistic models, and discuss methodological approaches as well as their possible limitations.

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    A Comparative Study of Authorship Construction in Multi-sound Sites of Knowledge
    SHAN Yu, BAI Yun, LIAO Rui
    2024, 24 (1):  102-112.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.008
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    Citation is an important bridge connecting multiple subjects in academic communication, and also a key means for re-conceptualization and re-contextualization of academic knowledge. Focusing on linguistics citations, this paper combines the form of citations with engagement resources, establishes an evaluation model of authorship, in order to explore the communication preferences of English and Chinese journals in the author-author-reader multi-voice site of knowledge. The results show that authors with international culture background highlight their identities of evaluators by commenting on the cited points and blur cited authors voices in the author-cited author voice site; while authors with Chinese culture background prefer to emphasize their identities of debaters in the author-reader site, taking their own stances to persuade readers and weaken the potential voices of them. The different cultural backgrounds of traditional cognition, interpersonal models, authoritative orientations, and critical education are closely related to citation of preference, and suggestions on the reconstruction of citation format, citation content, and terms are put forward underpinned by epistemic translation concept.

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    A Study of Rhetorical Discourse Games in News Editorials about Sino-US Trade Friction
    ZHOU Chenxin, LIU Donghong
    2024, 24 (1):  113-124.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.009
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    Taking a mixed perspective of rhetoric theory and critical discourse analysis, and based on news editorials on the Joint Statement of the United States and China Regarding Trade Consultations published by Chinese and the US media, this research, by using quantitative study, word analysis, and text close reading method, illuminated the realization of rhetoric strategies and language characteristics in a conflict rhetoric situation about Sino-China trade friction and demonstrated the purpose of rhetorical discourse games around two countries' media's attitudes towards the political affair by taking a three-dimension analysis framework of language identification, interpretation and environmental explanation. As is shown in the results, Chinese media tended to use the strategies of “reason” and “logic” to persuade the audience, striving for easing the intensity of confrontation between China and the US, which reflected China's essential appeal of pursuing for conciliation, stabilization and mutual benefit. While the US media were good at taking the initiative by using the strategies of “emotion” and “power”. By putting an emphasize on exaggerating the conflict intensity between two countries, the US media manifested the essence of persisting in competition, change and confrontation. The research gave some enlightenments on how to respond to public opinions of foreign media and how to improve the rhetoric competence of Chinese media in the construction and development of game relationship between medias.

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    On Metaphor Translation with the Theory of the State Translation Program
    SUN Yi, ZHOU Tiantian
    2024, 24 (1):  125-135.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.010
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    The Theory of State Translation Program is an epoch-making translation theory pioneered by Chinese scholars. National discourse translation, as a self-interested national event, involves multiple national concerns. The powerful cognitive function of metaphor makes it a commonly employed method and a focus in national discourse translation. Meanwhile, the rich associative meanings of metaphor pose challenges in its translation. Taking the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century (abbreviated as the “Resolution”) as a sample, the exploration of metaphor translation in national discourse, guided by the Theory of State Translation Program, contributes to the construction of national translation competence.

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    English Translation of Ancient Chinese Texts: Experiences and Methods
    ZHANG Yue, SUN Yifeng
    2024, 24 (1):  136-149.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.011
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    English translations of ancient texts are important for spreading Chinese culture abroad. Domestication and foreignization strategies from the perspective of cross-cultural translation are practical considerations of the operational matrix. Translators must select a proper translation method based on the type of audience, the purpose of translation, the historical and cultural context, and the peculiarities of ancient texts. This article explores the characteristics and causes of the three approaches: translation by Chinese scholars, translation by Western scholars, and translation by Chinese and Western collaborators, requiring strong support from official institutions or private organizations. It also examines the content, quality, and orientation of overseas publications of English translations of ancient texts, especially English translation series, and advocates the strengthening of overseas publication and distribution, which will contribute to the dissemination of English translations of ancient texts overseas and the globalization of traditional Chinese culture.

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    A Meta-analysis of the Relationship Between L2 Willingness to Communicate and L2 Anxiety
    LOU Yi, LI Chengchen, ZHAO Haiyong
    2024, 24 (1):  150-160.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.012
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    Willingness to communicate (WTC) has been extensively studied for its crucial role in affecting second/foreign language (L2) learning outcomes and L2 communicative competence. Previous studies have explored a range of factors affecting WTC including L2 anxiety. However, the findings about their links remain inconsistent. To this end, the present meta-analysis integrated results of 50 independent studies, showing that there was a medium negative correlation between WTC and L2 anxiety (r = -0.343, p < 0.001). In addition, their relationship was moderated by multiple variables including national varieties, second language type, and anxiety type. The findings provided implications for foreign language education practitioners in China and researchers in the field of WTC.

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    College English Writing Instruction in a ChatGPT Context
    CHEN Mo, LV Mingchen
    2024, 24 (1):  161-168.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.013
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    As a representative of the latest stage in artificial intelligence development, ChatGPT has attracted widespread attention from various sectors of society and has also brought new assistance to foreign language/second language writing instruction. From the perspective of activity theory, this paper analyzed college English writing instruction in the ChatGPT context, by exploring at each stage how teachers can effectively utilize ChatGPT to prepare and organize English writing instruction while actively mitigating potential risks associated with the new technologies. In this process, there have been corresponding changes in the teachers' roles. The teachers have reduced the time spent on knowledge output and repetitive tasks while increasing the emphasis on critical thinking and emotional guidance.

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    The Construction of German Language Undergraduate Programs in “Double Non” Local Universities: Difficulties and Solutions
    YU Bo
    2024, 24 (1):  169-177.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.014
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    China has an objective demand for German language talents. As one of the suppliers of German language talents, the German language programs offered by such universities account for one-third of the German language programs in all universities in China. However, the German language undergraduate program in “Double Non” local universities is facing many practical difficulties: the positioning of the program is inaccurate, the construction of the teaching staff is difficult, the practical teaching system is incomplete, and the talent output situation is unideal. The main reason for the above-mentioned difficulties is the inaccurate positioning of the German language programs, while an accurate positioning can not only provide a healthy development for both “Double Non” and “Double First Class” universities and avoid ineffective competitions, but also break the fatalistic stance and find an effective path for German language programs in “Double Non” local universities to break the limitations of unfavorable status and achieve overtaking. The overall idea of the solution is to develop an applied German undergraduate program. Specific practical measures include collaborating with universities in German-speaking areas to carry out a “3+2” undergraduate and master's degree comprehensive training, building a “German talent alliance” with external partners, and using modern information technology to overcome the difficulties in education, teaching, and recruiting.

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    Value Orientation and Language Ability Construct in Foreign Language Proficiency Scales
    ZHANG Xinling, LIU Yang
    2024, 24 (1):  178-190.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2024.01.015
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    Foreign language education is an important pass for the international communication of Chinese culture. Its guidelines - the language proficiency scales, represented by Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (the Standards), China's Standards of English (CSE), and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), embody “nurturing virtues”, among others. The present comparison of the above scales in terms of values orientation, language ability construct and the structure of descriptors yielded the following results: (1) intercultural citizenship education and transnational mobility and communication are prioritized in all of the three scales. However, the scales under discussion show distinct variability in these aspects: national/country studies, the awareness and depth of transnational telecommunication; linguistic diversity, cultural diversity, and social problem concern. The Standards and the CSE present China, disseminate Chinese culture, and highlight the Chinese wisdom of language education; (2) communicative language competence foregrounds as the universal goal for the scales, and CEFR and its Companion emphasizes plurilingual, mediation, and online interaction; (3) the scale descriptors display common ground while reserving differences, with the Standards, showcasing Chinese-based innovation, augments “task topics+ quantitative linguistic indicators of the four-dimensional benchmarks”. Scale revision suggestions are finally presented as well.

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